We Help You Integrate Your Tax Strategy with Your Overall Financial Plan

At Mercer Advisors, we understand the pivotal role taxes play in shaping your financial future. That’s why our team of tax and financial advisors integrate strategic tax planning into every aspect of your wealth management, from investment strategy to estate planning. We specialize in tax-loss harvesting, managing cash flow and tax-advantaged portfolios, and tax planning for business owners. Let us help you improve your financial outcomes through our proactive and coordinated approach to tax and financial planning.

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At Mercer Advisors, we understand the pivotal role taxes play in shaping your financial future. That’s why our team of tax and financial advisors integrate strategic tax planning into every aspect of your wealth management, from investment strategy to estate planning. We specialize in tax-loss harvesting, managing cash flow and tax-advantaged portfolios, and tax planning for business owners. Let us help you improve your financial outcomes through our proactive and coordinated approach to tax and financial planning.

It’s Not What You Earn That Matters. It’s What You Keep.

Minimizing taxes is essential to protecting your lifestyle, longevity, and legacy. That’s why we make proactive tax strategy an integral part of our financial planning process.

With CPAs and other tax professionals on staff coast to coast, we can plan and prepare your state and federal returns and help you optimize tax-favored accounts and charitable giving to keep more of what you earned — for you and your heirs.¹

Susan Portnoi

Because income tax is typically our clients’ largest outflow, we place great importance on income tax planning and preparation. We want to be proactive at all times, not reactive.”

Featured Solutions¹

  • Comprehensive tax planning
  • Tax return preparation & filing
  • Succession planning
  • Charitable giving strategies
  • Tax-loss harvesting
  • Efficient distributions
  • Roth conversions
  • Retirement plan contributions

What Exactly do We do for You?

Financial Planning

Investment Management

Tax Planning & Preparation1

Estate Planning2

Insurance Solutions3

Trustee Services4

Mercer Advisors. A fully independent, national fiduciary.

Client Assets
0 B
Regional offices
0 +
Team Members
0 +

1 Tax preparation and tax filing are a separate fee from our investment management and planning services.

2 Mercer Advisors is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice to clients. All estate planning document preparation and other legal advice is provided through select third parties unaffiliated with Mercer Advisors.

3 Mercer Global Advisors has a related insurance agency. Mercer Advisors Insurance Services, LLC (MAIS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mercer Advisors Inc. Employees of Mercer Global Advisors serve as officers of MAIS.

4 Trustee services are offered through select third parties with which a client would engage directly, as such additional fees may apply.

Company data as of March 31, 2024. Client Assets refers to client assets under management (AUM) and client asset under advisement (AUA) by both Mercer Global Advisors Inc. and Regis Acquisition Inc. Client Assets includes assets gained from recent acquisitions where the advisory agreements have been properly assigned to Mercer Global Advisors, but the custodial accounts have yet to be transferred and/or the accounts have yet to be migrated to Mercer Global Advisors’ portfolio management system. Mercer Global Advisors Inc. and Regis Acquisition Inc. are affiliated SEC registered investment advisers and deliver investment advisory and family office related services. Mercer Global Advisors Inc. and Regis Acquisition Inc. are subsidiaries of Mercer Advisors Inc., a parent company not involved with investment services.