Our Brothers and Sisters Are Risking It All. Now Is the Time to Help Them.

$450,000 June Matching Gift Challenge

Our on-the-ground Field Ministers in 13 countries give persecuted believers tangible hope in the name of the Lord. Because of your support, the lives of these believers are…

Rescued: emergency evacuations, Safe Houses, and medical care
Restored: tangible support like food to housing in addition to pastoral counseling
Rebuilt: paths to dignified work through our Enduring Livelihood Ministry and long-term discipleship

Thank you for your partnership as work together for the sake of Christ to see the persecuted Church endure, flourish, and remain in places hostile to the gospel!

Your gifts will be DOUBLED in impact up to $450,000!

Help The Persecuted, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, and an Excellence in Giving Certified Transparent Charity.


Our field teams meet with individuals to hear their stories, assess their urgent needs, and prayerfully prioritize their cases.


We then provide holistic support tailored to each individual’s practical and spiritual needs—from safe housing to pastoral care and more.


Our goal is to build long-term discipleship relationships that empower the church to flourish—even in hostile regions.

For Millions, the Truth is an Extremely Dangerous Thing to Believe

For Them, Following Christ Costs Everything…But Persecution Doesn’t Have to Be the End of the Story

Targets Of Genocide

Due to ongoing persecution and the recent crises in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq, the refugee crisis in the Middle East has continued to grow to unprecedented numbers.

Why The Persecuted?

Stories From The Field

Harassment, rejection, torture, and even death—the stories of our persecuted brothers and sisters will shock, challenge and encourage you. God faithfully allows us—together—to provide hope, stability and dignity for those standing on faith and rebuilding their lives.

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Meeting The Need

Immediate personal contact is critical for those facing persecution. Our field teams are ready to provide emergency relief and crisis support at a moment’s notice.

How We Work

Impact For Generations

We’re going beyond short-term relief, empowering Christian families and communities to thrive for generations to come.

Our Impact

Now Is the Time to Help

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