Built for IoT workloads

Maximize the security, efficiency, and longevity of your fixed-purpose devices with Windows IoT.

Built on the same foundation as their Enterprise equivalent, Windows IoT products allow you to harness the benefits of the OS you know with the added capabilities you need to run your fixed-purpose devices.

Talk to A Licensing Expert

Why Windows IoT?

Windows IoT is an operating system that can be purpose-configured with business-critical missions in mind.

Whether you're an OEM building new products or a business operating those devices, there is a Windows IoT product for your fixed-function devices.

Talk to A Licensing Expert

Improved security

Ensure the safety and efficiency of your fixed purpose devices with advanced lockdown features, 10-years of OS lifecycle support, and more.

Update on your terms

If you operate regulated or business-critical devices, frequent feature updates are impractical. Channel options ensure that your OS is tailored for optimal functionality.

Customizable experience

Get the foundation of Windows with complete control to create a customized, advanced user experience with branding features like custom logon and layout control.

Harness familiarity

Leverage existing knowledge using a known and trusted operating system to quickly build, deploy and manage devices that are secure edge solutions.

Currently purchasing Pro?

Save money by switching from Pro to IoT to operate your fixed-function devices.

Microsoft Windows IoT OS Products

Read about the products currently available in the Windows IoT family below.
Then, let Kontron help you find the right SKU for your hardware and budget.

Why Kontron?

With decades of experience in Windows IoT licensing, Kontron is your trusted partner in the past, present and future of IoT.

Whether you have a CLA, need one, or don’t know what that is, we can help you overcome challenges, streamline operations, and enjoy competitive pricing and superior service.

Contact us to save your business from licensing headaches today.

Learn more

Building on ARM?

Did you know Microsoft provides tools for developers to build, support, and develop on Arm processors?

Questions asked and answered

Windows IoT FAQ

When you develop IoT devices or solutions with Windows IoT operating systems, you need to work with a Microsoft authorized distributor like Kontron.

Speak directly with a Windows IoT licensing expert or start with these frequently asked questions about licensing.


Explore our other device lifecycle solutions

Build a Foundation of Security

OS consulting

Embedded operating system security and configuration services.

  • Microsoft, Linux & Android development
  • Security best practices
  • Hardware-specific configuration
Take control of dedicated devices

Device management

Software and services for the rapid development of connected systems.

  • Customizable standards-based telemetry
  • Essential notifications and orchestration
  • Enables ML/AI at the edge and in the cloud

Ready to take the next step?

Contact us