Google Calendar

Google Calendar

Google LLC
Android OS
Varies by device

In today's world there are more and more things to keep track of, work meetings, family dinners, or private events that all take up space in our heads. Naturally, sooner or later something will slip our minds and we will end up forgetting about some important appointment.

That is why having an assistant that can notify us is something extremely useful and practical if we want to be on time for our meetings. Google Calendar has all the tools to help us with this task, making the difficult things easy and helping us to keep track in a simple way.

A calendar made specifically for you

Google Calendar has a simple and effective design to be able to quickly understand what our day or week has in store for us, showing the information in an orderly and clean way. Users can customize their calendar in many ways, making it accessible to anyone. The app allows the user to select how to view events, either by day, by week, or in 3-day periods, as well as longer-term options where months can be viewed in advance.

When entering the app, we find the main menu, which shows us in an agenda a view of the upcoming events and on what day they will occur, as well as extra information such as schedules and the location of the event.

Being a product of the Google catalog, the app synchronizes with Gmail, transferring data from the meetings announced by e-mail, and creating the event in the app with all the available information. We can also select to synchronize Google Calendar with our contacts, so that the software automatically saves birthdays to notify us when appropriate.

Endless tools at your fingertips

The developers understand that there is a large market for this type of application, so they have included in the app many unique tools that come very handy to have our itinerary organized and neat.

  • Recurring events: users can select this option when creating an event to let the app know that it is a regular activity, by adjusting the frequency with which it happens.
  • Easy sharing: events can be shared with other users so that they also appear in their calendar, and for those who don't have the app, an email will be sent with the option to reply "yes", "no", or "maybe".
  • Country-specific calendars: Google takes the user's location and adapts its software to show important holidays or national celebrations. 
  • Different time zones: while the app uses local time, users can choose different time zones for events in other countries.
  • Events location: when creating an event, the location of the event can be added to help the creator and guests get there.

Personalization as a priority

At the end of the day, every calendar must fit its owner, and there is no better way to achieve that than with the myriad of settings and customization that Google Calendar offers. Users can add colors to catalog their events by type or by priority, plus they have the option to customize what type of notification they receive (push, email), or how long in advance they want to be notified. 

They can also add descriptions of the events so as not to forget anything; this is reinforced with the option to add multimedia files or documents that have important information regarding the activity. All events will be reflected in the calendar, although the user has the option to select only one type of event to display; these changes can be made through the tab found on the left side of the main menu.

Who is Google Calendar for?

The app is available on iOS and Android, which covers most mobile devices; Google Calendar is also available on the web. This app is for those who are too busy to organize their schedules properly and require a little assistance to do so.



  • Arranging an event is a quick task.
  • It's free, all you need is a Google account.
  • Takes up little storage space.
  • Becomes difficult to understand if your Schedule is too full.
  • Depends on a constant internet connection.

Google Calendar

You are going to be redirected to the external website to download the app.

Frequently asked questions

Can I synchronize the app with other calendar apps?

Yes, it offers the possibility to connect with other calendars.

Is my information safe in Google Calendar?

Yes, Google has security measures in place to protect its users' data.

Can I create more than one calendar?

Yes, the app allows you to make multiple calendars for work, personal life, etc.


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