Unleashing Potential: Channel Enablement with Cutting-Edge Marketing Automation

Discover how cutting-edge marketing automation solution empowers your channel partners to unlock their full potential and achieve unprecedented success. Streamline communication, optimize campaigns, and drive results with innovative technology.

As businesses evolve in the digital age, the need for robust marketing automation software becomes increasingly crucial. The right software can streamline marketing operations, offer personalized customer experiences, and ultimately drive revenue growth. This article will explore the specifications, unique features, and pricing of five such software options: Dotdigital, MarcomCentral, MindMatrix, Zift Solutions, and Impartner.


As a brand, Dotdigital prioritizes smarter marketing automation, facilitating timely and tailored communications with customers across key channels. This software helps to create sophisticated cross-channel marketing automation programs, unifying and enriching customer data to deliver meaningful, revenue-driving experiences. Dotdigital's Program Builder ensures that cross-channel messages are timely and effective, while its Segment Builder allows for the creation of customized segments for laser-focused retargeting. Furthermore, the software enables email and SMS retargeting, utilizing intelligent automation to trigger messages throughout the customer journey. For pricing, interested parties are encouraged to complete a form detailing their marketing goals, after which the Dotdigital team will provide a customized quote.


MarcomCentral offers an on-demand marketing platform that centralizes the management of brand assets, enables effortless customization, and upholds brand standards. This distributed marketing software platform is ideal for customizing and distributing marketing materials to partners, field teams, franchise locations, and more. Full customization of your brand portal, from visual identity to eCommerce checkout, is available, with templates fully editable for end-users. Plans for MarcomCentral start at $2,000 to $5,000 per month.


MindMatrix's Bridge Partner Marketing Software is an end-to-end solution that integrates seamlessly with corporate marketing strategies. This software comes with an intuitive interface and offers extensive Through-Channel Marketing Automation (TCMA) tools to engage partners at the local level. Key differentiators of this software include local marketing automation, video personalization, co-branded assets, Salesforce PRM integration, and the power of AI. For pricing, interested parties are advised to contact an expert with the company for more information.

Zift Solutions

ZiftONE by Zift Solutions allows users to manage all their to-, through-, and for-channel marketing materials in one place. The platform makes it easy to manage content, customize email campaigns, and package campaigns for your entire partner ecosystem. The software also includes a partner portal for easy navigation and a smooth onboarding process. To find out more about pricing, ZiftONE offers a demo upon request.


Impartner amplifies through-channel marketing automation with its software, offering full digital asset management with co-branding options. The platform allows users to build personalized email and social campaigns and push leads directly to local partners with paid ads. Impartner's platform automates and controls the entire partner journey, resulting in a more effective and efficient channel management process. For pricing, Impartner encourages interested parties to request a demo for more detailed information.

The choice of marketing automation software should align with a business's specific needs and budget. Whether it's Dotdigital's intelligent automation, MarcomCentral's effortless customization, MindMatrix's end-to-end partner marketing solution, Zift Solution's comprehensive content management, or Impartner's through-channel marketing automation, each of these software options offers unique features designed to drive growth. Ultimately, the decision hinges on which software best supports a business's marketing goals and offers the best return on investment.