Retire to Portugal on $2,250 a Month

Whether your dream retirement involves cocktails on golden sand beaches… rolling hills dotted with vineyards… warm evenings golfing with pals… 14 Portugal experts will show you how that dream is possible (and affordable) in Europe’s last low-cost, luxurious paradise—Portugal

14 Speakers

Share Decades of Knowledge

168 Minutes



International Living Members

Retire to Portugal 2024 Summit

“Enjoy southern European sunshine… friendly, welcoming people… a chilled pace of life… and a wealthier lifestyle for just $2,250 a month”

Free Online Event Watch Any Time: On Demand from International Living

Brought to you by America’s #1 resource on life overseas, International Living, this FREE online seminar brings together over a dozen Portugal experts to help kickstart your dream of living, retiring and traveling to Portugal.

Almost 10,000 North Americans have made a new life for themselves in chilled-out, welcoming Portugal… retiring (full-time or part-time) to the golden beaches and 300+ days of sun in the Algarve… successfully investing and profiting from the Portugal real estate market… exploring the very best of what Portugal has to offer.

Discover how you can live your dream life in Portugal for as little as $2,250… even in a booming beach town in the sunny Algarve.

When You Claim Your FREE Seat Today, You’ll Get the Following FREE Gifts Too!

Retiring in Portugal

Explore the Old World living in Europe’s best-kept secret

Portugal Hidden Gems

6 of the Best Retirement Spots for Expats 

Your Guide to Renting and Buying Property in Portugal

The Hawaii of Europe: Portugal’s Tropical Islands

But that’s not all... Scroll down to the full list of great gifts you’ll receive today...

Portugal is fast becoming the hottest retirement destination on the planet

Imagine swapping the stresses of life in the States for strolls through cobbled Roman streets, the smell of fresh-baked bread and fruit sweetening in the air…

… golden beaches and the warmth of the late afternoon sun, while you watch colorfish fishing boats anchor up after a long day at sea.

… rounds of golf with buddies along coastal cliffs, the sound of seabirds, and the crashing Atlantic waves in the distance.

Three-course dinners with a glass of wine and dessert for only $16.50 per person… doctor visits for $8… and apartments in beautiful neighborhoods renting for just a few hundred dollars a month… making Portugal one of the most affordable choices for a European retirement.

Along with its rich culture, warm weather, and friendly locals, it's no wonder more and more Americans have been choosing Portugal as their #1 European destination.

There so much waiting for you in Portugal… new experiences… new places… new adventures… new friends… even new wealth… it offers you a European-styled life… a life you could only dream of back in the States.

That’s why we’ve created the Retire in Portugal 2024 Summit. You’ll hear from the people who have already built their dream lives in Portugal.  Simply enter your email below to claim your FREE ticket and instant access to our essential Portugal report collection! 

Introducing Just a Few of Our Speakers
(scroll down for more)

Glenda Cole


From high-stress marketing career to serene villa living in Portugal, Glenda shows you how you can create a more relaxed… better life for yourself for less in Portugal

Alan & Leslie


They sold everything, and left the American Midwest for “Europe’s Hawaii” … They’ll inspire you to kickstart your own adventure on this special coastal haven

Ronan Mc Mahon


IL’s real estate expert explores the best real estate opportunities in Portugal… and the unique reasons why he owns on Portugal’s Silver Coast

Terry Coles


With 5+ years writing and helping people to create a perfect life for themselves in Portugal, now Terry wants to help you kickstart your Portugal journey… she talks everything from cost of living to weather… beaches, festivals, renting, medical care, and more…

What to Expect at

Retire in Portugal 2024 Summit

Dreaming of packing your bags and moving to old-world Europe? Searching for a low-cost European paradise? Well look no further than Portugal—International Living’s #1 Retirement Haven in Europe for 2024.

That’s why International Living is bringing together the top Portugal experts for a one-of-a-kind, FREE virtual event. You’ll hear from retirees, “permanent vacationers who have made Portugal their European home… You’ll hear from visa experts… Portuguese lawyers… And real estate experts who have successfully invested in the Portuguese housing market. An event flush with boots-on-the-ground insights and true Portugal experiences you won’t find googling or scrolling online forums.

  • A two-day exclusive online event
  • 14 inspiring speakers. Each tells their unique Portugal stories… informing you of everything from lifestyle, cost of living, and food to real estate, healthcare and visas
  • Long-time Portugal expat Terry Coles shares 9 reasons that make Portugal the #1 retirement haven in Europe and her home for over 5 years
  • 7 of the best places to live and retire in Portugal… and 2 you should avoid making your new home (but are definitely worth a visit)
  • Why Portugal is perfectly suited to anyone who wants to make it home for just part of the year (interested in escaping the North American winters, looking for a European summer escape then Portugal may be the answer)
  • Why the laid-back nature of Portugal’s coast towns is the perfect antidote to the high-stress lives of North American professionals
  • How you can live comfortably on $2,250 a month anywhere in Portugal… even in the ‘glitzy’ Algarve
  • BONUS The chance to join us on our VIPs-only extra day. We’ll be hosting a third day where our speakers answer the most frequently asked questions about moving to, living and retiring to Portugal in 2024

At this event, you’ll also learn:

  • What it’s really like to live or retire in Lisbon, Porto, the Algarve, and more…
  • What you need to know about real estate Guidance on everything from renting a home to the buying process… as well as the markets to watch out for this year if you’re considering an investment
  • Why Deborah Dahab and other Lisbon expats consider Lisbon to be “Europe’s answer to California”
  • The TRUTH about choosing the island life in Portugal Mid-Westerners Alan and Leslie explain why life on Portugal’s most popular islands is a must-try adventure for nature lovers
  • Crucial visa and residency tips How you can use Portugal as a base to travel Europe, reduce tax, and more…
  • Plus, expert advice for Americans in Portugal on healthcare, safety, language, low-cost living, climate, and much more…

Our Highly Sought-After Speakers

Terry Coles

With 5+ years writing and helping people to create a perfect life for themselves in Portugal, now Terry wants to help you kickstart your Portugal journey… she talks everything from cost of living to weather… beaches, festivals, renting, medical care, and more…

Alan & Leslie

Live an adventurous life on “Europe’s Hawaii”.

Ronan Mc Mahon

IL’s real estate expert explores the best real estate opportunities in Portugal… and the unique reasons why he owns on Portugal’s Silver Coast.

Deborah Dahab

Explore Lisbon, “Europe’s answer to California living”.

Glenda Cole

From high-stress marketing career to serene villa living in Portugal, she reveals why she chose Portugal and gives a peek into her daily life.

Jeff Opdyke

Unveils the allure of living a luxurious life in Portugal’s most ‘glitzy’ beach town… and the surprising affordability of this luxury lifestyle.

Ted Baumann

The best visa options to unlock your dream Portugal experience.

Cindy Sheahan

Why Portugal’s second city, Porto, has grown in popularity with Americans looking for an amazing place to relocate, retire, or reboot.

Attorney Rita Jardim

Get the low down on visas, residence, second passports and more.

Seanna Marie Cabezut

Why, after traveling through 15 European countries, Portugal resonated with her the most… Portugal is now her “heart home”.

Aaron Spicker

How to live a good life far away from the tourist traps… a truly authentic Portuguese experience.

Travel Writer, Sean Keenan

Take a journey through the breathtaking peaks, swathes of lush woodland, genteel fishing villages, hidden sea coves, sophisticated international cities of an undiscovered haven that Sean claims is ‘Better Than Portugal’.

And Of Course, Your Host…

Dan Prescher has lived in seven overseas locations and traveled throughout Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia writing about the best locales for overseas travel, retirement and investment.

As your host, he will guide you seamlessly from speaker to speaker… asking our experts the questions you’d like answered about moving, living and retiring to Portugal. So you can be sure to come away with the insights and expert advice you need to start plotting your own escape to Portugal, western Europe’s low-cost paradise in 2024.

Sign Up Today and Claim Even
More Bonuses—FREE

Retiring in Portugal

Explore the Old World living in Europe’s best-kept secret

Portugal Hidden Gems

6 of the Best Retirement Spots for Expats 

The Next Best Places to Buy Real Estate in Portugal 2024

The Hawaii of Europe: Portugal’s Tropical Islands

Your Guide to Renting and Buying Property in Portugal

Parts Unknown: The New Must-See Destination in Northern Portugal

White Paper: Portugal Visas – Your Best Options Today

International Living’s Postcards

A daily email newsletter about travel, retirement, income, and investment abroad – from people who actually live the life, not just talk about it.

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5 Smart Ways to Travel the World and Pay Next to Nothing

“A must-have resource if you want to spend more time traveling, exploring new places, and meeting interesting people. International Living’s overseas experts weigh in with their smartest, most useful money-saving tips for traveling the world without breaking the bank…including a little-known way (Page 13) to turn your home into an asset and swap it for a rooftop terraced apartment with a view in Paris... a Tuscan villa with a private pool in Italy… and more...and do it for free.” – Dan Prescher

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Since 1979, International Living has been helping people discover the world's best places to live, travel, invest, and retire.

When publications like the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and AARP need an expert opinion about alternative retirement solutions and the places where you can get the most bang for your buck, they call us.

We know from experience that there are a host of places around the world that are cheaper... healthier... safer... freer... than you ever thought possible. We’re on a mission to help you discover those places… and one of the top destinations on our radar is Portugal.

We want to help you take advantage of the opportunities Portugal offers—opportunities to improve your quality of lower your cost of invest for profitable return...and to embrace a new adventure—before the rest of the world catches on.