Yahoo News

Yahoo News

News & Magazines
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Yahoo! News is one of the many products of the technology company Yahoo! It is an online news portal that contains news from all over the world. You can access it to stay updated on everything that interests you, as this platform gathers information from various sources.

How to use it

In Yahoo! News, you can read thousands of news just by logging into the official website, or you can register very easily. To do so, you can either create an account with an email address or log in with a Google account. Although you do not need to create an account to access this news portal, some specific services and features may require you to have one, such as customizing news or participating in certain online communities.

The website is free and also has a mobile app compatible with iOS and Android devices. The app provides a streamlined experience, and you can set up custom notifications and news alerts. Unlike the website, which is available in multiple languages, the mobile app is only available in English.

Everything you are looking for

On Yahoo! News you can find the latest news on topics such as the following:

  • Current News: Find out about important global and local events.
  • Sports: Read about all the sports you are interested in, from soccer and basketball to F1, golf, and tennis. See all the competition tendencies and match results in real-time.
  • Finance: Don't miss the latest finance news from your country and around the world, value market trends, and much more.
  • Entertainment: Yahoo! News also keeps you up to date on the latest news from movies, music, TV, celebrities, and events in the entertainment industry.
  • Technology: The platform includes news about the launch of new products, scientific advances, etc.
  • Lifestyle: This section features articles on fashion, travel, home, health, and much more.

As part of its news coverage, Yahoo! News includes weather information. There is a dedicated weather section on the website where you can find detailed news on this topic, so you can anticipate and always be prepared.

One of the useful functions included in Yahoo! News is the possibility to leave comments on news of your interest and participate in discussions with other users. It is a good way to exchange opinions and points of view.

Access from everywhere

One of the advantages of Yahoo! News is that it is present in different social networks, such as X (former Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. In these apps, you can follow Yahoo! News and read headlines about the latest news in the world. If you want to access the full articles, you must click on the links of the publications to go to the official website of this news portal.

It’s not all peaches and cream

Although Yahoo! News has a lot of information, some pieces of news may be of low quality or even fake news since this portal collects information from many sources. That is why it is very important to always check the credibility of the sources.

Furthermore, the website contains a lot of advertisements, as it generates revenue through them. Many of the ads you see have to do with your activity or recent searches. You can customize them and put that you do not like to stop seeing the ones that don't interest you.

My thoughts

Although this platform and its mobile app are excellent in English, it is still not available in many languages. As I mentioned above, it contains a lot of information from different sources, so I advise readers to always check where that information comes from.



  • It includes news on many topics.
  • The ads are non-invasive.
  • You can download the app to see the news wherever you are.
  • There are more sophisticated news platforms.
  • There may be fake news.
  • The app is only available in English.

Yahoo News

You are going to be redirected to the external website to download the app.

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to pay?

No, most of the news and articles are available for free.

Can I set Yahoo! News according to my location preferences?

Yes, you can set your location on your Account Info page to read local headlines and set the weather conditions according to where you are.

Can I track my favorite news?

Yes, each piece of news has a bookmark icon to save it or read it later. You can find your bookmarked articles on your Profile.


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