Creator Studio

Creator Studio

Android OS
Varies by device

Becoming professional in the art of social media management and administration has become a basic requirement in an increasingly demanding digital context. Programming and content analysis tools have become more than necessary.

If you were told that there is an app that allows you to schedule and publish content from different social networks and that also offers detailed performance analysis, wouldn't you give it a try without thinking about it?

All in one place

Facebook launched this app in 2018 in response to the need for digital content creators to centralize the management of their networks (Facebook and Instagram) on a single platform. Over time, this initiative has evolved to become in the present a comprehensive scheduling and content analysis tool. Let's get to know it!

Anticipation, that's the point

Anticipation is a key skill in these times of dynamism and uncertainty, and now we will see why Creation Studio meets the requirements to train it!

Creator Studio allows you to schedule Facebook and Instagram posts in advance. You're going to be able to:

  • On Instagram: schedule and publish content to your feed, IGTV and Instagram accounts connected to the Facebook pages you are managing.
  • On Facebook: schedule and post content to your profile, pages you manage (this includes fan pages, groups, and events), as well as Instagram accounts that are connected.

This means you will be able to: 

  1. Create your content.
  2. Schedule the date and time of each publication.
  3. Segment by audience to effectively target your messages.

And it doesn't end there

Other outstanding features include:

  • Analytics tools to evaluate the performance of your posts and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  • Create and schedule content in collaboration with other users.

In two words

Simple and intuitive.

Creator Studio's interface makes for a smooth navigation experience. 

When you log in, it presents you with an overview of the performance of your content with shortcuts to advanced tools. Thanks to its design, it’s very easy to use and therefore highly recommended if you are a beginner.

Get a head start

While there are many apps with similar features on the market, the main difference between Creator Studio and its competitors is that it is specially designed to integrate Facebook and Instagram into a single platform. For this reason, it offers unique and free features (more detailed metrics on impressions and reach, among others).

You won't find an app that offers so many resources if you work specifically with these two social networks.

However, if what you need is to manage more social networks outside those mentioned (such as Twitter or LinkedIn) try an app like Hootsuite, although keep in mind that it offers a limited free version.

The big question: Are we compatible?

To your delight, this app is compatible with multiple devices and is available for both Android and iOS operating systems.

Download it for free on:

  • Apple Store for iOS devices.
  • Google Play Store for Android devices.

You can download it from the official Facebook website for your desktop computer.

Second big question: Is it for me?

Of course, it is! Think of all the time you can save by managing your publications in one place. Plus, let's add the fact of having an app that gives you tools to efficiently capture the needs of your audience and direct your content strategy accordingly. Not much to think about, right?

Remember that anticipation can give you an advantage over your competitors. It can also help you to avoid unnecessary risks and, of course, take advantage of opportunities!

The app that leads by example

If there is something that Creator Studio knows how to do, it is to anticipate the demands of its users, listening to them in order to improve and update continuously. Surely, this app will continue to add valuable resources to those who dare to be one step ahead. If you are a community manager, publicist, influencer, or work in digital marketing, do not hesitate! 



  • Comprehensive management of your social networks in a single platform.
  • Functionalities specifically designed to integrate with Facebook and Instagram (unlike other competing apps).
  • Its scheduling and performance analysis tools will allow you to optimize your content strategy and boost your audience engagement.
  • The app can be a bit overwhelming for beginners.
  • Facebook and Instagram are the only social networks that you will be able to manage from this app.
  • Their availability and services offered may vary according to your geographic location.

Creator Studio

You are going to be redirected to the external website to download the app.

Frequently asked questions

Is this app totally free?

Unlike some competitors, with Creator Studio you have free access to all its tools.

Can I publish content on many pages and profiles at the same time?

Yes, it is! Just remember that Creator Studio is focused on Instagram and Facebook.

Can I make my videos profitable with Creator Studio?

The answer is yes! For this you must meet certain requirements, the main ones are: have a Page (not a profile), have at least 10,000 followers and be at least 18 years old. You can access all the requirements from the Control panel in Creator Studio.


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