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Explore your African American ancestry in over 2 billion genealogy records. Become a member today for immediate 24/7 unlimited access to a wealth of American family history online including:

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  • 330+ years of U.S. newspaper coverage

"My opinion is that GenealogyBank is a great product for African American research in general, because they have the largest collection of black newspapers in addition to tons of mainstream ones. And, they are very affordable."

– Timothy Nathan Pinnick, Author of "Finding and Using African American Newspapers"
Popular African American newspapers easily searchable in our exclusive online archives include: Afro-American, Black Republican, Broad Ax, Colored American, Crusader, Freedom's Journal, Freeman, Negro World, and Washington Bee. Plus, over 260 more!

Search our expansive collection of African American newspapers to discover the details about the daily lives of millions of Black Americans from 1827-1999.

Spanning over 170 years of African American history in the United States, our exclusive African American newspapers archive provides detailed coverage of the Black American experience.

Research your Black ancestry in early anti-slavery United States newspapers like Frederick Douglass' Paper to recent 21st century African American newspaper titles.

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