365 Days

Watch 365 Days

  • TV-MA
  • 2020
  • 1 hr 54 min
  • 3.3  (97,309)

In the movie 365 Days from 2020, Anna-Maria Sieklucka plays a woman named Laura, who is vacationing in Sicily with her boyfriend and friends. During a boat tour, Laura gets kidnapped by a mafia boss named Massimo, played by Michele Morrone. Massimo has been obsessed with Laura since seeing her on his father's funeral two years prior, and he gives Laura 365 days to fall in love with him in order to stay with him forever. Laura initially resists Massimo's advances and wants to escape his grasp, but as time passes and she gets to know him better, she begins to develop deeper feelings for him.

Bronislaw Wroclawski plays Mario, Massimo's right-hand man, who serves as a confidant and protector for Laura. Mario helps Laura navigate her new life under Massimo's watchful eye and offers her support when things get difficult.

The movie is filled with erotic scenes and intense moments, as Laura struggles with her conflicting emotions and desires while navigating the dangerous world of the Italian mafia. The chemistry between Sieklucka and Morrone is electric, and their performances bring a certain intensity and depth to the film.

The movie has generated controversy due to its portrayal of a kidnapping and the romanticization of a dangerous and abusive relationship. Despite these concerns, the film has gained a large following and has been praised for its stunning cinematography and captivating performances.

Overall, 365 Days is a provocative and intense thriller that delves into the darker side of love and obsession. The film's steamy scenes and gripping storyline make for an engaging watch, though it may not be suitable for all audiences.

365 Days
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 54 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    3.3  (97,309)
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