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The Shocking Link Between UTIs and Cognitive Impairment

If you’re a woman who has ever had a urinary tract invasion, pay close attention. According to new research, UTIs could dramatically raise your risk of age-related cognitive impairment.

Yes, you read that right…

Something as common as a bladder pathogen could destroy your memories, thinking skills, and independence later in life if left untreated.

Studies show that UTIs cause a pro-inflammatory response and cellular changes in the brain. Over time, they can permanently damage your cognition.

Even more disturbing is that women are much more likely to get UTIs. Studies show women have a 14 times higher risk compared to men.

Sadly, most doctors consider UTIs "no big deal." They prescribe antibiotics and send you home without a second thought.

But they couldn’t be more wrong… because brushing off a UTI today could lead to debilitating cognitive impairment in the future.

Luckily, scientists have discovered a substance that could turn the tide…

This substance helps wipe out the bacteria behind UTIs. Even better, it helps rebuild your urinary tract and minimize the risk of harmful pathogens from coming back.

Now one doctor is spreading the news about this potentially life-altering compound.

She’s also sharing a simple, 7-second routine you can do every night to alleviate UTIs and future recurrence.