Look up your relatives and family history

The perfect addition to your ancestry research tools! Discover your roots and honor loved ones with our comprehensive people, family tree and obituary searches.

What features does BeenVerified offer?

People search

Reconnect with old friends and loved ones, or dig deep into your family history to discover more about your ancestors and family tree!

Family Tree

Building your family tree couldn't be easier! Claim your own profile and we will automatically start suggesting family members to fill in your tree. Then dive in and explore interesting information we may find about your close relatives and family from long ago!

Obituaries search

Search for obituary records, both recent and from the past. You may find funeral home information, family and relatives, and much more!

Coming Soon

Graves Locator

Our grave locator may be able to help you find their grave's location

How can BeenVerified help me?

BeenVerified may be able to help you trace your family history and find contact information on distant relatives. There may also be information on what's been left behind by loved ones, whether that's assets and unclaimed money or contact information for family.

Did you know?

BeenVerified has provided over 290 million people reports to our customers

Fill in the blanks, confidentially

BeenVerified connects billions of data points across millions of records. We can help you get a grasp on what's out there, with complete privacy - nobody will ever be notified of your search.