
Watch Trackers

  • 2018
  • 1 Season

Trackers is a gripping and suspense-filled thriller television series set in contemporary South Africa. The show represents a co-production between South Africa's M-Net and Cinemax, which is part of HBO. Trackers is adapted from the novel by celebrated author Deon Meyer and follows a complex web of interconnecting storylines that intersect and collide throughout the series.

The story mainly follows three characters, who are all after a terrorist group called "Al-Qaida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb" (AQIM). Firstly, there is Lemmer (James Gracie), a former mercenary who protects a diamond mine against attackers. Secondly, there is Milla (Rolanda Marais), a feisty and independent intelligence officer who works for the Presidential Bureau of Intelligence (PBI). Finally, there is Janina Mentz (Sandi Schultz), a former spy and now head of the PBI.

Throughout the series, these three characters find themselves drawn into a labyrinth of intrigue and deception that threatens to uproot their personal and professional lives. They must confront dangerous foes, work through personal demons, and deal with corrupt officials to make it to the end.

The series is situated in contemporary South Africa, which is portrayed in a vivid and realistic way. The show explores the racial and societal tensions and challenges of the country, such as xenophobia and corruption in law enforcement. This provides an immersive and culturally rich backdrop to the series that adds nuance and depth to the storylines.

One of the unique aspects of Trackers is how it seamlessly interweaves multiple storylines while still keeping the viewer engaged through its fast-paced and action-packed sequences. The camera work and editing style are often frenetic, which heightens the tension and excitement of the varying plots.

The show's dialogues are enriched by humor, wit, and intelligence, making it a solid addition to the intelligent thriller genre. Moreover, while the storyline is dealing with terrorism, Trackers portrays a balanced and nuanced portrayal of the terrorist group, which can come across as very human at times.

The score accompanying the series further adds to its excitement and thrill, with music that accords in sync with the intense action sequences. Additionally, despite being a fictional series, it has been well researched and lines with the contemporary realities of South Africa. This ascertains that the series is not only entertaining but a valuable source of insight into the country's contemporary complexities.

The show is also remarkable for its character development, especially in the case of its female characters. Janina Mentz's character is portrayed as commanding and frustratingly corrupt, but her progression is believable and meaningful. Milla undergoes a journey of her own, embracing her fears and vulnerabilities while still maintaining her strength and determination.

Overall, Trackers is a well-crafted and gripping spy thriller series that manages to successfully blend various genres, including drama, suspense, and action. With its strong cast, smart writing, and fast-paced action, it will keep you guessing and hooked until the end. It is perfect for those who love spy dramas and are interested in contemporary South Africa.

Trackers is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (6 episodes). The series first aired on October 26, 2018.

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Episode 6
6. Episode 6
July 10, 2020
'Episode 6.' Season One Finale. The PBI find themselves running in circles, as Janina and Lemmer join forces to unveil the truth.
Episode 5
5. Episode 5
July 4, 2020
[Cinemax] HD. 'Episode 5.' (Season One) With the countdown to the terror attack officially on, Janina finds herself at odds with shady operatives.
Episode 4
4. Episode 4
June 26, 2020
'Episode 4.' (Season One) Lucas becomes the PBI's primary suspect in Inkunzi's murder--much to Milla's distress.
Lost in the Woods
3. Lost in the Woods
February 3, 2018
The owners of a missing parrot turn to the Trackers to help locate their beloved pet.
Finding Hope
2. Finding Hope
January 27, 2018
It's mid-summer in Maryland, but there's no time to rest for the Trackers in search of missing dogs and cats.
Firework Frenzy
1. Firework Frenzy
October 26, 2018
As the summer heats up, the trackers are working hard to bring home missing cats and dogs across Maryland.
Where to Watch Trackers
Trackers is available for streaming on the National Geographic Channel website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Trackers on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Hulu, Vudu, FuboTV, Apple TV and National Geographic.
  • Premiere Date
    October 26, 2018
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