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About T-Mobile®

T-Mobile is a national provider of wireless messaging, phone and data services, and they built a robust network capable of nearly 300 million Americans. With over 45,000 employees, T-Mobile prides itself on providing quality service to go along with its quality network nationwide, helping customers connect to their world. T-Mobile offers family plans, individual plans, data plans and prepaid plans that let you tailor a plan to your phone needs. T-Mobile also prides itself on offering customers the fastest 4G network in America, and they also carry plenty of phones to suit every taste, including popular models such as the iPhone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S5.

Types of jobs you could find at T-Mobile®

Retail Sales Associate

This position is most responsible for cementing T-Mobile's reputation as a leading customer service company. This position requires focus on satisfying customers, providing a friendly demeanor, strategic thinking and inspirational leadership. Applicants are expected to possess basic computer skills, excellent communication skills and a HS diploma or GED. A Sales Associate will always use T-Mobile values to deliver results for customers.

Store Operations Associate

The Store Operations Associate is responsible for maintaining a standard of excellence in store operations. This requires job skills in organization, time management, self-motivation and keeping attentive to all store details. Tracking inventory, keeping inventory clean and maintaining a neat and organized store environment is crucial. Job requirements include a HS diploma/GED, basic computer skills and excellent verbal communication.

Retail Sales Leader

Sales Leaders use their skills as salespeople and combine these skills with leadership skills that allow their team to perform its best. As such, previous customer service experience is required, and a HS diploma or GED is also required. Your skills will lead customers to remember your store as a great experience, and you will condense tech talk into easy to understand terminology. Basic computer skills, outstanding verbal communication and a commitment to T-Mobile excellence are also prerequisites of the job description.

Why People Recommend Working at T-Mobile®

  • A relaxed company atmosphere promotes a healthy work-life balance for employees.
  • Specific days set aside for diversity promotes coworker togetherness.
  • Genuine concern for employees results in policies that reflect employee feedback.
  • Commissions and fair pay make it a great place for full-time or part-time employment.