Register a Trademark - Start Online Trademark Search Register a Trademark Online

  • 1.Search.
  • 2.File.
  • 3.Done!

Trademark Registration in 180+ Countries: One-Stop Platform

Just 3 Online Steps, Never Been Easier.‎

Conduct an online trademark search for your trademark registration availability.
Fill out a simple questionnaire. Experienced attorneys give legal advice, prepare and file your trademark to the government trademark office.
Experienced attorneys do the rest. All processes are performed in a timely manner. Keep you up to date with automated reminders.

U.S. High-Tech Law Firm Made It Easy to Protect Your Brand With Trademark Registration Worldwide

See the recently filed trademarks through TrademarkElite attorneys



$99/class + govt fee*

  • Personalized Legal Advisement From U.S. Licensed Trademark Attorney. Licensed lawyer works on your case; conducts the trademark search; recommends you the appropriate class(es) and good/service description to best protect your legal rights
  • Generic Trademark Screen and Trademark Status Updates
  • Attorney-Guided Trademark Search
  • U.S. Licensed Lawyers Take Power of Attorney & Represent You at the USPTO
  • Comprehensive Search Report With Attorney Analysis
  • Trademark Watch Service
    Bundled $99/Quarter

    What is Subscription Plan?

    If you choose this plan, the quarterly trademark watch service will bill every 3 months, beginning one month from the date of purchase (the first month is free). Subscription required for at least 2 billing cycles.

  • Priority Processing


$299/class + govt fee*

  • Personalized Legal Advisement From U.S. Licensed Trademark Attorney. Licensed lawyer works on your case; conducts the trademark search; recommends you the appropriate class(es) and good/service description to best protect your legal rights
  • Generic Trademark Screen and Trademark Status Updates
  • Attorney-Guided Trademark Search
  • U.S. Licensed Lawyers Take Power of Attorney & Represent You at the USPTO
  • Comprehensive Search Report With Attorney Analysis
  • Trademark Watch Service
  • Priority Processing


$599/class + govt fee*

  • Personalized Legal Advisement From U.S. Licensed Trademark Attorney. Licensed lawyer works on your case; conducts the trademark search; recommends you the appropriate class(es) and good/service description to best protect your legal rights
  • Generic Trademark Screen and Trademark Status Updates
  • Attorney-Guided Trademark Search
  • U.S. Licensed Lawyers Take Power of Attorney & Represent You at the USPTO
  • Comprehensive Search Report With Attorney Analysis
  • Trademark Watch Service
    $399 Value Included (2 YEARS INCLUDED)
  • Priority Processing

* U.S. Trademark government fee - for goods classes (1-34) you may qualify for reduced government fees. Not all applications qualify; To be eligible for reduced fees, the identification of goods needs to match an Identification preapproved by the USPTO. The trademark government fee will be charged when we submit your mark(s) to the Government Trademark Office, which is usually in the next few business days.

We secure your name, slogan, logo with ...!

We are trademark lawyers committed to doing trademark registration the right way!

Trademark Registration Service

Trademark Registration Service

Protect your brand by registering your name or logo online in just minutes. Begin the trademark registration process by completing our simple questionnaire and selecting the countries where you wish to register your trademark. Our experienced attorneys will search and evaluate your mark, and prepare and file your trademark application with the Trademark Office. You will be informed periodically about the process.

Trademark Registration Online Steps Trademark Registration Service
Comprehensive Trademark Search

Comprehensive Trademark Search

You can use TrademarkElite to conduct a free trademark search. While it may be relatively easy to use the free search tool, it could become more complicated, and you may require an advanced tool. A comprehensive trademark search looks at multiple public & private databases of company names, domain names, state trademarks, business ubications, etc. Comprehensive search identifies trademarks that may not be identical but may block your mark at registration for other reasons

Comprehensive Trademark Search Online Steps Comprehensive Trademark Search
Trademark Office Action Response

Trademark Office Action Response

If you have received an Office Action from the USPTO, Don't worry - we're here to help. Over 70% of trademark applications receive Office Actions, so it's a common occurrence. Although it may seem distressing, it doesn't have to be. Many Office Actions can be cleared up with some clerical fixes and agreeing to some changes proposed by the USPTO.

Trademark Office Action Response Online Steps Trademark Office Action Response
Trademark Statement of Use

Trademark Statement of Use

Receiving a Notice of Allowance is an exciting step in the trademark registration, as it means you are entitled to federal trademark protection. However, in order to secure your registration, you need to demonstrate to the USPTO that you are using your mark. We can help you file your Statement of Use, also known as an Allegation of Use, to ensure that your registration is completed successfully.

Trademark Statement of Use Online Steps Trademark Statement of Use
File Statement of Use Extension

File Statement of Use Extension

Receiving a Notice of Allowance is an exciting step in the trademark registration process, but you need to demonstrate to the USPTO that you are using your mark. If you haven't started to use your mark yet and require more time to file your Trademark Statement of Use Extension, we're here to help you extend your deadline for an additional six months.

Statement of Use Extension Online Steps File Statement of Use Extension
Trademark Renewal

Trademark Renewal

If it's been five years, it's time to file a Declaration of Use stating that you still use the trademark. A Section 8 Trademark Declaration is a statement made to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). If it's been nine years, it's time to renew your trademark (called a "Section 9" filing) to maintain their trademark rights.

Trademark Renewal Online Steps Trademark Renewal
Revive Abandoned Trademark

Revive Abandoned Trademark

Failure to file necessary trademark documents, such as office action responses or statements of use, can result in the abandonment of your application. However, the USPTO does grant a 60-day 'last chance' opportunity during which you can file a petition to revive your trademark in addition to the overdue document.

Revive Abandoned Trademark Steps Revive Abandoned Trademark
Trademark Ownership Transfer

Trademark Ownership Transfer

When trademark ownership is transferred, this is referred to as an assignment. To properly transfer ownership of your trademark, you will need to complete an assignment agreement between the two parties and then file this assignment with the USPTO. It is important to specify the details of the trademark(s) to be transferred. Do not worry, and we are here to help.

Trademark Ownership Transfer Online Steps ...

Trademark Monitoring

After you have invested the money to register your trademark, you are responsible for enforcing your own trademark rights. In order to enforce your rights, you need to know when others are using of trademarks that are similar to yours. Trademark Monitoring gives the information you need to enforce your trademark rights!

Trademark Monitoring Online Steps ...

Comprehensive & Free Trademark Search FAQs

Have questions? Call 1-833-863-5483 or Contact Us for support.

What is a Trademark Search?

A trademark search is a search of public and/or private databases to find out whether your desired trademark is available.  

You do not have to do a trademark search.  But if you start using a trademark, or pay to apply for registration of a trademark without doing a search, you may later discover that someone else already owns a conflicting trademark.  If this happens, you may be liable for trademark infringement. If the other person started using their mark earlier than you used yours, you will not be able to get a trademark registration.  In addition, you will be required to choose a different trademark and change all of your branding. This can be frustrating and very expensive. You should at least run a free trademark search on TrademarkElite search engine before you request to file your trademark to the government trademark office.

A good trademark search can help you avoid these risky and expensive mistakes.  By investing a little extra time and money to do a clearance search, you will be able to have the confidence of applying for a trademark that is actually available. We recommend you at least run a free trademark search on the TrademarkElite search engine platform.

Why do I need a Trademark Search?

Before you apply for a trademark, you should run a trademark search on TrademarkElite platform to see if any other trademarks are already registered or applied for that are:

(A) similar to your trademark and

(B) used with related products or services

A trademark that is similar to yours and used with related products or services may block your trademark from being registered because it creates a likelihood of confusion. Doing a search before you file your application can help avoid expensive errors.  

The government trademark office does not guarantee registration.  They approve or reject new applications on a case-by-case basis.  Once an application is filed, no changes are permitted. The government trademark office will not refund fees for rejected applications. You should at least run an online trademark search on trademark search engine before you request to file your trademark with the government trademark office.

What is a preliminary trademark search?

A preliminary trademark search may also called a “knockout” search or “exact match” search.  This type of search identifies identical names, and names that may differ by one or more letters from your desired trademark name.  

A preliminary search can be completed at a very low cost (such as using TrademarkElite online search engine for free trademark search), but it does not give you a complete picture of likelihood of success. offers unlimited free trademark search to find similar and exact matches with the trademark records from the government trademark office.

A preliminary search shows you if the exact name you want to register is available.  It does not show you whether there are similar names or names registered in related categories that will prevent your application from being approved.   

A preliminary search also does not tell you if someone else has prior rights in a trademark that is similar or identical to the one you want to use, even if they have never registered that trademark. Not knowing this information could be fatal to your branding strategy. 

What is Comprehensive Trademark Search?

Although offers unlimited free trademark search, you may need a Comprehensive Trademark Search. A Comprehensive Trademark Search looks at multiple public and private databases of company names, domain names, state trademarks, press releases, business publications, among others.  This type of search identifies trademarks that may not be identical, but may block your efforts at registration for other reasons. 

A Comprehensive Search can show you if there are other registered marks that, while not identical, are “confusingly similar” and therefore likely to result in marketplace confusion.  “Confusingly similar” trademarks will cause your application to be refused.  

A Comprehensive Search can also show you if someone has trademark rights in a name similar to yours even though they have not applied for an official trademark registration. For example, the United States is a “first to use” country.  Someone who started using a trademark before you, even if they did not federally register the name, has rights that will cancel out your rights to that name, of any “confusingly similar” name.  

The only way to uncover these unregistered marks  is a Comprehensive Trademark Search.  

Unregistered trademarks create tremendous silent risk for new applicants.  Even after you successfully register your desired trademark, the owner of the unregistered trademark can petition to cancel your registration.  To succeed, they only have to prove they sold products under the name before you did.

In a worst case scenario, you could even end up being liable for infringement damages of up to triple the profits you made during the years you used the trademark while knowing about the other brand owner.

Do I Need an attorney to perform a Trademark Search?

You may be able to perform an “exact match” search on your own by searching on or the government trademark office website.

A Comprehensive Trademark Search requires access to several third party databases that are not publicly available, and sophisticated, propriety search software. 

An attorney who specializes in trademarks and Intellectual Property law can help you perform a Comprehensive Search. In addition, the attorney will help you interpret the search results, which can be tricky, and can predict whether or not your trademark application is likely to be successful.

Can I Conduct Free Trademark Search on

TrademarkElite offers online trademark knockout search:

NOTE: Free knock-out search can be helpful in conducting an initial search for potentially conflicting trademarks, it can NOT replace the expertise and experience of a professional trademark attorney when it comes to conducting a thorough search and providing legal advice on trademark matters.

The Ideas Law Firm, PLLC. Empowering Solutions in 100+ Countries.

Trademark Elite (The Ideas Law Firm, PLLC.) attorneys' deep knowledge allows us to deliver effective, affordable solutions tailored to your unique needs. We specialize in business, branding, and trademark protection. Our attorneys are trusted by happy clients in more than 100 countries.

register a trademark world wide

Our customers are always right

Our experienced attorneys helped thousands of clients with custom intellectual property solutions, enabling them to be much more competitive in business than ever before.

Trademark Elite is run by highly experienced trademark counsel who provide personalized attention and outstanding client service. And they are really nice people too!

Ryan helped me trademark the name and logo for my dental practice. He clearly explained the entire process, and I'm happy to say both of my marks are registered! I will definitely be using Trademark Elite in the future.

I've used other filing services in the past, but Trademark Elite's service is worlds apart. A real attorney - not a customer service representative - guided me through the entire process, and I didn't feel like a "just a number."

Ryan has been great throughout the entire trademarking process. He is clear and responsive, and I would definitely recommend him to my friends that need trademarks or other legal help with their business.

Fantastic service! The attorney I worked with was super helpful and walked me through the whole process. Great communication and support! I plan on doing more business with this team! I highly recommend their services!

Great response time!!

Great response time!! Answered all of my questions and got my trademark published!!

They were very fast and helpful!

They were very fast and helpful! They answered all of my questions in a very timely manner, and helped me through the process with ease.

What an outstanding experience. I dealt with an attorney named Ryan who was friendly, responsive, and helpful. He actually made a government paperwork process easy and painless!

If there's one word to describe Trademark Elite, it would be "sensational." Sensational because when my trademark application was processed, and I need additional help, Ryan called my mobile number right away and advised me on what to do next. He is a good listener, and he's not like most lawyers who would do most of the talking and use technical terms to confuse their clients. He's very straight-forward and doesn't beat around the bush.

I was very much impressed by the professional shrewdness and prompt actions of Ryan Bethell. Frankly, he is a direct, no-nonsense trademark specialist that I recommend to any business without any hesitation.

Excellent service from Ryan Bethell! He answered all My question and resolved every issue!! I’m extremely happy with the service provided and will recommend others who need Trademarks..

Ive been trying to legally register my trademark for about a year now. I pride myself in doing things alone, but became a succubus of energy. I found TrademarkElite on the web and they seemed forthright enough. When I contacted an Attorney there she basically said to relax. They would take care of the whole deal for me. She did. I did nothing and just found out today that my registration certificate should be issued any day now. I appreciate the straightforward service. Worth every penny.

TrademarkElite is highly recommended A+. Their responsiveness and competency is A+. They should be your go-to firm!

They did an amazing job. I was told by another lawyer that my trademark appeal would likely be rejected but Ryan and his team put together and excellent case and at a reasonable price. Very grateful.

I am soooo happy that I've chosen TrademarkElite to help me register my trademark! Ryan is very efficient and knowledgeable and on a personal side - he is just a great person to deal with. I can't be more happy with my choice - thank you Ryan! I would recommend TrademarkElite to anyone - excellent job!

Ryan is a true professional and does what he says he is going to do. That is the essence of business and he understands this. We accomplished our goals in a timely and effective manner.

Very Good and Fast Service. Very very competent...I Highly Recommend Trademark Elite.

We are super happy with our experience. The people knew what they were doing and gave you a great feeling of confidence that you were in the right spot. Liked them so much, we are now repeat customers.

Thank you for everything you've done in assisting me with getting my company's name/logo and tagline trademarked. I'm official! :)

I dealt with Ryan and he was very competent and helpful. He always replied to my questions and gave good advice. I recommend Ryan at Trademark Elite.

Register your name, slogan, or logo trademark today.

The World #1 Free Trademark Search & Tracking, Easy-to-Use Web Based Platform. Our experienced attorneys and specialists can provide you with the best custom-made solutions no matter whether you're an individual, small business, or large enterprise. Start online trademark search for free. Register a Trademark by Elite Attorney $299/class + govt fee.

File a Trademark Now