of Your

Calculate the value of your business in minutes with our free valuation calculator.

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Annual Turnover:
Projected Turnover for the next 12 months:
Annual Net Profit:
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Company Name:
Company Zipcode:
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Contact Number:

Receive a report instantly, including:

  • Buyer Appetite

    See if buyers are looking to expand their footprint in your sector.

  • Company Worth

    Understand the value and worth of your company to potential buyers.

  • Saleability

    See a preliminary assessment of scaleability for your business.

Our Services

As one of the leading providers of online business valuations, our valuation calculator takes into account a number of company specific financial indicators and up-to-date market conditions in order to provide a quick and simple guide to your business’ current market value.

If your motivation to attain a company valuation relates to a desire to sell your business, either in the short or long-term, it is hugely important for business owners to have an exit strategy.