The Church Jesus Built

The Church Jesus Built

What happened to the Church that Jesus Christ began? Can you find it today?

Millions of people profess Christianity and claim to be members of the Church Jesus founded. But Christianity is a divided religion, composed of hundreds of denominations and schisms that have assimilated many non-biblical traditions—philosophical, cultural and religious—into their teachings and practices.

Can we know whether Christianity's bewildering variety of customs and teachings faithfully represents those of Jesus Christ?

Is the divided Christianity we see around us that Church? Only the Bible can provide a reliable answer to this question.

Remember, Jesus not only promised He would build His Church, but He assured His disciples that His Church would not perish. How can you find this Church today?

This Bible Study aid booklet, The Church Jesus Built, will examine the characteristics, the "fruits", Jesus Christ and His apostles said would identify His true Church.

Maybe its time to ask... "Would Jesus Christ attend my church?"

Request your FREE copy today!

Throughout the Scriptures church and congregation refer to people, never to a building. The Church (the Body of Christ) or the church (a congregation of members of the Church) is made up of people called to follow Jesus Christ (p. 6).

Christ and His apostles spoke of false prophets, false apostles and false brethren. They revealed that two opposing religions would emerge, both claiming to be Christian (p. 33).

By the end of the third century the true servants of God had become a distinct minority among those who called themselves Christians. The counterfeit Christianity had become the majority (p. 45).

Everything God requires of His people, and every tenet of right living in the Bible, is founded on two basic principles—loving God and loving our fellow man (p. 56)