Is deep skin cleansing necessary?

Deep skin cleansing is necessary, especially for those who are prone to clogged pores, excessive oil secretion, or are often exposed to polluted environments. Here are some great reasons to deep cleanse your skin:

1. Remove dirt and clogged pores: In daily life, the skin is exposed to various pollutants, dust, bacteria and cosmetic residues. These substances can clog pores and cause problems like blackheads, pimples, and acne. Through deep cleansing, these dirt can be effectively removed, allowing the skin to breathe more smoothly.

2. Control oil secretion: Some people’s skin is prone to excessive oil secretion, which may lead to oily faces, dilated pores, and prone to acne and other problems. Deep cleansing can help regulate the skin's oil secretion and keep the skin fresh.

3. Provide better absorption: Deeply cleansed skin can better absorb the active ingredients in skin care products, such as moisturizers, antioxidants and nutrients. This helps improve the health of your skin.

However, deep cleansing also requires caution to avoid over-irritation or damage to the skin. It is best to follow the correct cleaning steps when using a cleansing product suitable for your skin type, and not to perform deep cleansing too frequently, usually once or twice a week. If you have any concerns about deep skin cleansing, it is recommended to seek the advice of a professional dermatologist.