Build your brand with a fictitious business name

Whether you’re going solo or looking to expand, your fictitious business name can help establish your brand, and set your company apart from the competition.

Start filing my fictitious name

Kickstart your fictitious business name in minutes.

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Starts at $99 + state filing fees. These costs are often tax deductible.


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Why it is important

Legally required

In most states, filing your fictitious name is a must if you don't plan on using your legal name or official company name to do business.

Set up a business bank account

You will need a registered fictitious name if you want to open a checking or savings account for your business.

Allows you to expand easily

If you already have an LLC or corporation, you can rebrand your company to specific market segments or different geographical areas.

How to file a fictitious business name

  1. Tell us your fictitious business name
  2. Answer some questions online
  3. We'll complete and file your paperwork, and print a notice in your local paper*
    *if required by your state

fictitious name documents

Frequently asked questions

  1. Most states require you to get a fictitious name if you're using a business name that's different from your LLC or corporation name. For example, if your LLC is registered under the name “Jane Jones Enterprises LLC," but you wish to do business under the name “JJ's Computer Services," you would need to register a separate fictitious business name for this new business line.
  2. A few states don't require a fictitious name if you use your full name or last name in your business name. For example if your name is Jane Smith, you wouldn't need a fictitious business name to call your business "Jane Smith Bakery" in Colorado, or "Smith Bakery" in California.
  3. They do two very different things. A fictitious name alerts your county or state that your business intends to go by a name that's different from your personal or official company name. It keeps you compliant wherever a fictitious business name is required. Registering a federal trademark isn't a requirement. It's something you can apply for to get exclusive rights and protections over your brand name across all 50 states.
  4. In most states and counties, you need to renew your fictitous name every 5-10 years. Fictitious names never expire in a few states like Indiana, Iowa, and New York.
  5. No. You need to form an LLC, corporation, or nonprofit to get liability protection.
  6. Yes, what it's called varies by state but it means the same thing.

Why choose us

3.5 million+


Helping entrepreneurs turn ideas into businesses over 3.5 million times.

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What's included


What's included

If it's required in your state, our first step in filing your fictitious name will be to check your state's official database to find out if the name you want is available.
LegalZoom will prepare your fictitious business name application, and file it with the appropriate government office.
In states that require publication of new fictitious names, LegalZoom will publish your fictitious business name statement in the appropriate newspaper.
For states that require newspaper publication, LegalZoom will forward you the proof of publication, and a duplicate copy of your fictitious business name statement. If your county requires proof of publication, LegalZoom will file it with them at no additional charge.
After the 14-day trial period, benefits to the Business Legal Plan (also Business Advantage Pro or Business Advisory Plan) continue automatically at the plan rate (currently $49 per month). Cancel online or by calling (877) 818-8787.

Plan includes:

Attorney help
  • 30-minute independent attorney consultations on new legal matters
  • Contract and other legal document reviews (up to 10 pages)
  • Annual business evaluation (12-month plan only)
Additional benefits
  • Unlimited downloads from legal form library
  • Exclusive discounts on other LegalZoom offerings

Meet our customers


Parkman Woodworks

"LegalZoom has a menu of things where we can see how much it will cost instead of paying a lawyer an hourly rate, which we couldn't afford. It was a very straightforward and inexpensive way to take care of the legal considerations our company had to deal with as we were growing."
Graham Taglang, fictitious business name customer

Tessa James

"LegalZoom provided the roadmap I needed to get going, took care of steps that would have taken up time I didn't have to spare, and kept me updated on our status during the entire process."
Allegra Richdale, fictitious business name customer

Rosen Skincare

"LegalZoom was quick and super easy to navigate. I knew it was definitely the most affordable option, but when I hopped on and started walking through the steps, it was so simple there was no reason for me to go anywhere else!"
Jamika Martin, fictitious business name customer

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