
Expert Website Maintenance Services

For Shopify, WordPress, and Webflow

Packages starting from just $80/month

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Get Your Personal Website Support Team

Creating a website is just the first step; what truly sets your business up for success is keeping your website up-to-date, secure and functional.

Trust DIGITORM to provide top-notch maintenance services, along with:


Here are some tasks we can help you with:

Content Updates

Regular updates to the website’s content, including product descriptions, images, and website banners, to keep it fresh and relevant.


Theme Updates

Updating the website’s core software, plugins, and themes to their latest versions to ensure compatibility and security.


Site Optimization

Monitoring and optimizing website loading times and performance to ensure a positive user experience and support SEO efforts.


Blog Management

Facilitating the blog publishing process, and scheduling blog posts to enhance visibility and audience engagement


Proactive Monitoring

Continuous monitoring for security threats to keep your site secure while uptime monitoring quickly addresses downtime, keeping your website consistently accessible.


Technical Support

Quick access to technical support for resolving issues related to the website’s functionality or performance, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Other common tasks our team excels in

And much more!

Need to get something done urgently?

We can start immediately!

Just pick your plan and let our team handle the rest:



Get started today with a 7-day free trial!



Get started today with a 7-day free trial!

Everything included in Standard, plus:


Custom Pricing

Get started today with a free consultation

Enjoy all the benefits of our standard and premium plans with additional features, such as:



Get started today with a 3-day free trial!



Get started today with a 3-day free trial!

Everything included in Standard, plus:


Custom Pricing

Get started today with a free consultation

Enjoy all the benefits of our standard and premium plans with additional features, such as:

Want to Discuss Your Requirements or Need More Information?

What Happens Next?

Start Free Trial

Sign up to try our services for free and see what we offer.


Fill out the onboarding form and contract to formally begin our partnership.

Access Client Portal

Get immediate access to our client portal for task management and communication.

Assign Tasks

Our portal makes it super easy to assign tasks, keep track and communicate with the team.

We’re your trusted website maintenance partners

John De marli

“After several disappointing experiences, I found the perfect partner for my website's maintenance. Their team is responsive and knowledgeable, and ensures our website performs flawlessly.”

Martin Ali

“Digitorm team has become a valuable asset for us, making our site faster and more secure. They handle everything from updates to security patches, allowing me to focus on my business.”

C. Lewis

“Managing a website can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not tech-savvy like me. But thanks to Digitorm, I don’t need to worry about my website at all. Highly recommend their services.”

Daniel S.

“I've been using Digitorm for website maintenance for a while now, and I'm very satisfied. They're super responsive and always on top of things. Couldn't ask for better service!”

Jennifer L.

"Digitorm’s attention to detail and prompt response to issues have greatly improved the performance of my website. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking for reliable website maintenance."

Michael P.

“Digitorm has exceeded my expectations with their website maintenance services. Their professionalism and expertise have been instrumental in resolving various issues on my website.”

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my website needs maintenance?

Signs that your website may need maintenance include slow loading times, broken links, outdated content, poor search engine rankings, and security warnings. Additionally, if you haven’t updated your website in several months, it’s likely due for a review. 

We offer an initial assessment to identify areas of improvement and recommend a maintenance plan tailored to your website’s specific needs. 

Is website maintenance necessary for small websites too?

Yes, website maintenance is essential for websites of all sizes. Even small websites need regular updates to ensure security, improve user experience, and maintain search engine rankings. Small websites can also benefit from periodic content updates, security checks, and performance optimizations to stay competitive and relevant in the digital space.

Is uploading content, products, and banners a part of website maintenance?

Yes, all our website maintenance packages include content updates, product upload, and banner/image updates.

However, creating banners and new content is not a part of it. These assets must be provided by you.

Will website maintenance affect my website's availability?

No, it will not. Our goal is to perform maintenance tasks with absolutely no disruption to your website. We always perform tasks on a copy or staging site, so your website availability doesn’t get affected.

What happens if my website goes down?

In the unlikely event your website experiences downtime, our team is on call 24/7 to diagnose and resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We also monitor your website continuously for any potential issues to prevent downtime before it happens.

How many hours do you allocate to custom development requests?

Typically, 1 custom development request means approximately 1 hour of work. This means you get up to 12 hours of custom development per year with our Premium plans.

Does my subscription fee cover theme and plugin license renewals?

No, theme and plugin license renewals are not covered in our subscription plans. However, we are more than happy to assist you with the renewal process if you need help or have any questions about how to proceed.

What if I don’t use my allotted number of requests in a particular month?

For premium plan subscribers, any unused tasks or requests from a particular month will automatically roll over to the next month, ensuring you get full value from your subscription without losing out on any unused services. 

However, for those on standard plans, it’s important to note that unused tasks or requests do not carry over to the following month.

What makes your website maintenance service stand out?

Our website maintenance service stands out due to our personalized approach and commitment to quality. We not only ensure that your website is up-to-date and secure but also provide custom recommendations for improvements based on your business goals and website performance data. 

Can I customize my website maintenance plan?

Absolutely! We understand that every website has unique needs. Our maintenance plans are fully customizable to match your specific requirements, whether you need more frequent updates, additional security measures, or specialized performance optimization. Let us know what you need, and we’ll tailor a plan just for you.