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Catholic Company Magazine Articles

The Eucharistic Revival - Enlivening Our Faith
The Eucharistic Revival - Enlivening Our Faith

As Catholics, we possess an incredible source of life-giving strength and restoration in the Eucharist, where Christ invites us to receive Him, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Knowing the profound role of the Eucharist in the life of our souls and t...

6 Ways for Catholics to Celebrate Memorial Day
6 Ways for Catholics to Celebrate Memorial Day

Because of one man's sacrifice, we are privileged to choose and live our faith. Christ died freely and willingly to save us. Then the saints and martyrs followed in His footsteps, devoting life and death to this same privilege.Memorial Day echoes the...

Confirmed in Christ: Receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Confirmed in Christ: Receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Do you remember your Confirmation? Mine took place over 40 years ago, but sadly, as a teenager, I did not study or ponder the Gifts of the Holy Spirit sealed in me on my Confirmation day. What a missed opportunity. After coming to a full...

Growing in Faith - Our 2024 First Communion Gift Guide
Growing in Faith - Our 2024 First Communion Gift Guide

The joyous spring season is here! With it, we welcome a new generation of Catholics to the Supper of the Lord in First Holy Communion. At The Catholic Company, we have curated a wonderful selection of accessories and gifts  to help you celebr...