
Evaluating and welcoming young men in need

In the early days, Boys Home served just the area around Covington. But over the years, word of our remarkable program has spread, and today, we accept young men from ages 6 to 17 from throughout the country.

Application, Interview, and Admissions Process

To begin the admission process, please contact the Admissions Office at (540) 965-7739 or email No one is ever turned away because his family cannot afford to pay for assistance.

Once the application and additional documentation is complete, the child, guardian, and Boys Home staff participate in an on-site interview. We approach each child’s individual needs to determine how we can help before welcoming them to our program. The child and guardian may take a tour of campus and all the facilities Boys Home has to offer, meet some of our current residents, and enjoy a meal in the dining hall. Together, the young man, his parent or guardian, and admissions staff discuss whether the Boys Home program is a good fit for him personally. If the interview goes well and all agree to placement at Boys Home, admissions staff will determine a placement date for the child to begin his 30-60 day Evaluation phase.

Click here to access and complete an admissions application.

In addition to the completed application, we ask for additional documentation to make an admissions determination:

  • Copy of Psychological Evaluation (If Applicable)
  • School Transcripts, Grades and Progress Reports
  • IEP/ 504 Plan (If Applicable)

We are not equipped to offer services to individuals with severe emotional, mental, or physical problems that require a residential or other treatment setting.