pdfFiller is the most cost-effective alternative to Sejda

Over 64 million users choose pdfFiller for its award-winning ease of use, comprehensive functionality, and unbeatable price.

Experience effortless PDF management with the best alternative to Sejda

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Create and edit PDFs

Instantly customize your PDFs any way you want, or start fresh with a new document.
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Fill out PDF forms

Stop spending hours doing forms by hand. Complete your tax reporting and other paperwork fast and error-free.
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Build fillable documents

Add fillable fields to your PDFs and share your forms with ease to collect accurate data.
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Save reusable templates

Reclaim working hours by generating new documents with reusable pre-made templates.
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Get eSignatures done

Forget about printing and mailing documents for signature. Sign your PDFs or request signatures in a few clicks.
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Convert files

Say goodbye to unreliable third-party file converters. Save your files in various formats right in pdfFiller.
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Organize your PDFs

Merge, split, and rearrange the pages of your PDFs in any order.
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Securely store documents

Keep all your documents in one place without exposing your sensitive data.

pdfFiller or Sejda? Compare user ratings to make the right choice

Customer trust proven by figures

pdfFiller is proud of its massive user base and is committed to delivering the greatest possible experience and value to each customer.

Switch from Sejda to pdfFiller in 4 simple steps

Sign up for free using your email, Google, or Facebook account.
Upload a PDF from your device or cloud storage, check the online library for the form you need, or create a document from scratch.
Edit, annotate, redact, or eSign your PDF online in seconds.
Share your document, download it in your preferred format, or save it as a template.

Get started with
an all‑in‑one PDF software

Save up to 40 hours per month with paper-free processes
Make quick changes to your PDFs even while on the go
Streamline approvals, teamwork, and document sharing

The leading Sejda alternative for SMBs and enterprises

Break free from paperwork setbacks with digital workflows.
Advanced eSignatures
Enterprise-ready features
Integrations and API
Organizations & Admin Dashboard

Find out why users choose pdfFiller over Sejda

Read more or give pdfFiller a try to experience the benefits for yourself
Ease of Use
Quality of Support
Ease of Setup
It was very useful in getting the form I needed quickly.
Anonymous Customer
Perfect for our company needs!! Easy to use and user friendly!!
Delwyn H

See how pdfFiller stacks up against the competition

This chart represents a partial list of features available in pdfFiller, Sejda
Edit PDF (edit initial content)
Protect PDF
Encrypted folders
Add Fillable Fields
Host Fillable Forms
PDF Converter
Merge PDF
Collect Payments
Create documents and forms
Send to IRS
Sell forms
Fill in multiple forms at once
Document library
In-person signing
Audit Trail
Additional accounts
Magic fields (automatic fields detection)
in progress
Conditional fields
Custom Branding
Mobile applications
iOS, Android
HIPAA Compliance
Referral program
Field validation
Offline mode on mobile
Show more Show less
Try pdfFiller now

9 Reasons Why pdfFiller is Better Than Sejda

Streamline your business by organizing your document management with online PDF editors. A complete online editor can save you countless hours editing and customizing your forms. Almost any online editing tool will allow you to go paperless and increase your work efficiency.
A user opting for an online editing service can edit their documents by adding different content such as text, signatures, images, more blank pages or videos. It is much easier to fill in forms online or create new templates without installing additional software. Beyond these benefits are many more features that simplify the process of filling your file online.
There are a number of online platforms that may be the best alternative for you. Among them is pdfFiller because it enables users to do much more that just edit PDFs.
View the advantages of pdfFiller over Sejda and other services for your business:
pdfFiller complies with international security standards and saves all your data on Amazon S3 servers. Any document stored on your account is highly protected.
Insert comments or add sticky notes to annotate your documents.
Add checkmarks of different shapes (crosses or circles).
After editing your PDF, you can print it without leaving your pdfFiller account.
Create smart fillable PDFs by adding fillable fields for various content.
Merge up to 5 files of different formats.
After you have edited a document, you can download it to your computer or any other internet-connected device.
Add a signature by drawing or typing it. You can also upload it from your computer or capture it with a webcam.
Share your business documents with your clients via URL or QR code.