Samsung Email

Samsung Email

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Android OS
Varies by device

Email providers have been around for quite a while now, and it is one of the most common means of communication used nowadays, especially in the work environment. Over the years, several providers have developed their own emailing services, with Gmail by Google being the leading provider in the market. Samsung, as well as many other tech companies, has developed its own emailing service that allows you to communicate with your contacts in a simple and easy manner.

Now, what is the main benefit of the Samsung Email app? Well, as it turns out, it is not just an email service provider, but a platform where you can manage all your email providers at once in one app.

All your email addresses together in one place

With so many different options in the market and some companies preferring some providers over others, many of us have ended up with more than one email account, which can become confusing and annoying over time. The Samsung Email app, which is included on all Samsung devices, allows you to conveniently use and manage several email service providers in one place.

This app can be used to synchronize any email account from other providers, such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, Microsoft Exchange Server, and Office 365. Once you synchronize your accounts, whenever you get an email on your Gmail or Hotmail inbox, for example, you will see it in your Samsung Email app. The synchronizing of the different accounts is usually done automatically. However, if the app does not find your accounts by itself, you can set them up manually.

How to set up an account

The setup process will depend on which account you want to synchronize with your Samsung Email app. The more popular apps tend to be synchronized automatically, while other less-known providers require some extra effort.

If you have a Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft account, you only need your username and password, and the app will configure the corresponding settings for you. If you have a different email provider, you will have to set up the account manually. To do so, when adding an email account, pulse the “Other” button and complete the setup process manually.

Similarities and differences between Gmail and Samsung Email

Samsung Email


  • The Samsung Email app has a more minimalistic interface, which adds simplicity to the user experience.
  • Gmail has a more modern and colorful interface.
  • Samsung integrates best with other apps from Samsung.
  • Gmail integrates well with other popular apps, such as Google Drive and Google Calendar.
  • Samsung Email has more customization options available. For example, when writing an email, you can change the font size and color of your text.
  • Gmail provides fewer customization options, but you can, for example, choose a theme for your inbox to change its appearance.
  • On Samsung Email, you can synchronize other email accounts to have all your emails together.
  • You can only receive and send emails from your Gmail account.
  • Samsung Email offers strong security features.
  • Gmail is considered the most secure app when it comes to emailing services since it belongs to Google, which is known to prioritize the security of its users.

Benefits of setting up your email account on your phone

Having your email accounts set up on your phone gives you a lot of freedom. Most importantly, it gives you access to your emails on the go, which allows you to work anywhere, at any time. You also get notifications, which enable you to take a look at what the email is about without having to sign in. That way, you know if you need to take care of the matter urgently or if it can be dealt with later.



  • You can manage several email accounts in one place.
  • It is very secure.
  • You can spare storage space by merging all emailing apps into one.
  • Does not integrate well with other popular apps, such as Google Calendar.
  • Has fewer features than Gmail.
  • Manual setup of less-known email providers.

Samsung Email

You are going to be redirected to the external website to download the app.

Frequently asked questions

Can I link my Gmail account to Samsung Email?

Yes. Almost all email providers’ accounts can be linked to the Samsung Email app.

How do I synchronize my email account with Samsung email?

It will depend on which provider you have. If you use Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft, the account will be synchronized automatically. Other accounts may need to be set up manually.

Does Samsung have its own email service?

Yes. Samsung has its own emailing service, and it is included in every Samsung device.


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