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You may be eligible for a Medicare Advantage Plan if you recently turned 65 and are new to Medicare, or are on Medicare and lost coverage, or moved.

Medicare Advantage Plans


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Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is almost here!

Learn about changes and new opportunities for 2023.

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    Plan Options They Have

Some of the organizations providing plans with these benefits include: Humana®, UnitedHealthcare®, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield®. Not all plans offer all of these benefits. Benefits may vary by carrier and location. Limitations and exclusions may apply.

Medicare Advantage Plans offer additional benefits that may not be available through Medicare Parts A & B. These plans are offered through private insurance companies that contract with Medicare.

There are numerous types of Medicare Advantage plans: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs), Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Private Fee-for-Service Plans (PFFS), Special Needs Plans (SNP), Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans (MSA), and HMO Point of Service Plans (HMOPOS).

  • FACT

    Original Medicare includes all providers accepting Medicare assignments, while Medicare Advantage plans have limited in-network coverage, potentially leading to additional expenses for out-of-network care.
  • FACT

    If you know which providers you prefer, we can help you find a plan.

For more information about Medicare Advantage Plans, please call a licensed sales agent at (855) 337-0577 (TTY: 711) (855) 337-0577 (TTY: 711)

  • Why should I use MedicareMarket.com?

    MedicareMarket.com may help you find a Medicare coverage option that works for you. Your health is important, and while you may already have a plan that suits your needs and benefits, we are here to make sure you're not overpaying for it.

  • What does it cost to use MedicareMarket.com?

    Nothing. MedicareMarket.com is a no obligation, free service to help you find the Medicare Advantage insurance that’s right for you.

  • What if I don't know what I need?

    We are here to help. Helpful licensed insurance agents may help you assess your options and give you the peace of mind knowing that you are covered under a plan that meets your needs.

  • What if I already have a plan?

    Not to worry, you are in the right place. If you recently turned 65, are new to Medicare, have moved, or have lost coverage, your licensed insurance agent may be able to find you a plan that may help lower your payments and provide appropriate coverage for your needs.

  • How do I get started?

    It’s simple, and answer a few questions so that a licensed sales agent can give you a call and help find the right plan for you.

or call (855) 337-0577 (TTY:711)

Licensed insurance agents are available to help you
navigate your plan options

  • Affordable plans

    Your health is important, and while you may already have a plan that suits your needs and benefits, we are here to make sure you're aware of other plan options that are available and make sure you have the plan that best suits your needs.
  • Licensed Insurance Agents

    Questions? Licensed insurance agents are available to help you through enrollment and beyond. Call us and speak directly with a licensed insurance agent.
  • Review Your Choices

    A more affordable Medicare plan may be only a few simple questions away.
    to fill out a form to speak to a licensed sales agent
    (no obligation)

Get started on finding the right plan for you

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