

Netflix, Inc.
Android OS
Varies by device

Video on demand apps have taken a prominent place in the consumption of audiovisual content in today's world, with an almost infinite variety of offerings, in-house made cinematic productions and exclusive premieres on different platforms. This industry handles a gigantic traffic of users, and undoubtedly one of its most important players is the pioneer in the sector, Netflix.

Netflix has become perhaps the most recognized company when the public thinks of series or movies via streaming, covering more than 13,000 different titles globally. The app is packed with a variety of options, ranging from old films and discontinued series to titles produced by the company itself, such as Stranger Things and The Crown.

How to get into Netflix and its many features

Upon logging in with an account, the user is greeted on the app's homepage, which shows the top titles at the time, as well as the latest specials from the platform. On the left-hand side of the screen, the user can access the menu tab, where they can search specifically for movies or series, access their profile, or access the system settings.

In addition, Netflix offers the possibility to search for movies and series based on their genre, which makes it easier to find a title to watch and not waste time late at night, for example.

The app also takes preferences into account, adapting its main screen with a curated selection of varied titles respecting the user's tastes. It also has useful features such as sections dedicated to series or movies that the user did not finish watching, resuming the playback at the moment they left off; or a sector where it compiles the titles already watched in case, they would like to have a second watch.

Subscription plans and account types




Most affordable price

Best value

Most expensive

Image quality in 720 pixels

Image quality in 1080 pixels

Premium quality in 4k and HDR

1 device available for simultaneous viewing

2 devices available for simultaneous viewing

4 devices available for simultaneous viewing

1 device available for offline content download

2 devices available for offline content download

6 devices available for offline content download

Regardless of the account type, Netflix is available for cell phones, tablets, and iPad devices, in addition to the web version for computers and laptops. The app is also available for Smart TV, either from the same downloadable app or by broadcasting through another device.

Some context about its origin

Many users do not know that Netflix began as a mail-in service where users could order titles and the company would send the DVDs directly to their home. This format was available from its inception in 1996 until 2007, when it transitioned to the service we all know today.

Thanks to the explosion of the internet, Netflix's new model became increasingly profitable, outperforming its physical delivery service and that of its competitors.

Games available on Netflix? Yes, you heard that right!

In November 2021 Netflix launched a section in its app specially dedicated to mobile games, where users could access app exclusives and other well-known game offerings. Among Netflix's original titles, we can find games related to series available on the platform, such as “Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales”, or games based on the “The Walking Dead” franchise. This has been a catalyst for the company to acquire design studios to strengthen this segment with more titles.

Final thoughts and recommendation

There is no doubt that Netflix is a perfect acquisition for those who want to watch movies and series without relying on the availability offered by their TV supplier. It offers content for all tastes and puts at your fingertips a wide range of options to enjoy from the comfort of your devices and with just a few clicks.



  • It has an extensive library of options.
  • The app is incredibly easy to use.
  • The technical support works really well.
  • Its basic plan offers few features.
  • Not all titles are available in all regions.


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Frequently asked questions

Can I download series and movies on my phone?

Yes, the amount depends on the subscription plan, but as long as the device has the storage space available there will be no problem.

Does Netflix have cancellation fees?

No, canceling the service is completely free.

Can I regulate the kind of content that can be viewed?

Yes, Netflix offers parental control, which can be accessed through the settings tab.


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