• NR
  • 2007
  • 1 hr 31 min

Brilliantly Shot & Insightfully Acted-Director and Stars look to have especially bright futures -Film Threat. A modern romantic drama from the streets of New York, Zooey tells the story of the newly weds Angel and Zooey, only they are not your typical family starters. Zooey is a professional prostitute and Angel is a drug dealer. Yet they are not without hopes and dreams, of escaping their life in the streets and starting a new in a fresh painted cottage with picked fence, kid and a dog, in Manitoba, Canada. Life gets in the way however when their best friend Cheryl (Jordan Burt-The Village) gets in trouble with her pimp. They sacrifice everything to safe her, including their own dreams. A touching human tale of love and loyalty set against a gritty urban landscape.

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  • Release Date
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  • Runtime
    1 hr 31 min
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