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Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Getting scam calls? Being harassed by text? Now it’s easy to find out who’s behind that phone number.
Enter phone number to look up:
Please check phone number format and try again.

How Reverse Phone Number Lookup Can Help

Someone’s calling and hanging up
If you pick up the phone and no one’s there, Scannero can help you find out who’s calling and disturbing you.
You’re receiving suspicious calls
There’s nothing worse than being disturbed by a telemarketer, especially if they’re trying to scam you. Scannero can reveal the truth.
You don’t recognize that text
Are you receiving messages from an unfamiliar number? Scannero can help you find out who’s really texting you.
You need to verify someone’s identity
If they aren’t who you think they are, there’s a great way to find out. Just use Scannero and discover who’s really behind the number.
You have a gut feeling that something’s wrong
Maybe there’s no specific reason for you to be suspicious. But that doesn’t mean everything’s OK. Scannero can help put your mind at ease.
You want to keep things confidential
We get it. You want to know who’s calling or texting. But you don’t want them to know you know. Scannero keeps your personal info safe.

It’s Easy to Get Started with Reverse Phone Number Lookup

  • 01
    Enter the phone number you want more info on.
  • 02
    Click ‘Start search’.
  • 03
    Let Scannero get to work.
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What real users say
about Scannero

Charles M.

“I just did my first reverse phone number search and it was so easy. I just punched in the number and boom, the results were in my hand in a matter of minutes. Really handy feature that I could see myself using every now and then.”

Barbara M.

“I bought Scannero for the phone locator tool and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I could also look up any number. Works well.”

Danielle W.

“Someone kept calling my husband’s phone and hanging up. We were both getting really annoyed. I used Google to search for the number, but nothing came up. So I tried Scannero and found out who owned that number. Glad I have this.”

Jack D.

“The phone number lookup tool is cool, but I really liked being able to reverse lookup an email address. It’s nice to be able to figure out what’s junk mail and what’s real.”

Ronald S.

“The phone locator tool is my favorite feature, but the reverse phone number thing is really nice. I don’t need this one as often, but it’s nice to have at my disposal in the event that I need to find out what’s going on.”

Victoria J.

“No complaints. Works as promised.”

Mark C.

“To be honest, at first I wasn’t that impressed. The phone number reverse thingy didn’t tell me much. But I didn’t buy Scannero for this specific tool, so I didn’t really care. But after checking back after a few hours, I was floored. Scannero found so much information about the person behind the phone number that was texting me.”

Louise H.

“My daughter was receiving text messages from someone she didn’t know. They were really inappropriate and we were all concerned. I used reverse phone number search to track down who was harassing her. Extremely helpful.”

Jesse D.

“I really love how Scannero lets you find out all kinds of information so easily. Where a phone is. Who owns a phone number. Who owns an email. It’s really, really impressive. And while sometimes it takes a bit of time to find out the info you want, when you have it, it’s powerful stuff.”

Tammy J.

“I’m kinda surprised with how little Scannero costs. To be able to preform a reverse phone number search so easily and get these kinds of results? Wow. Impressive.”

James L.

“I was originally skeptical, but now I’m totally on board. Scannero really works. Yes, not every phone number you search has results (I’ve tried a few and some work while others don’t) but that has nothing to do with the app. It has to do with whether or not the information is available to find. I’m happy with the results.”

Patricia B.

“My son was being cyberbullied by classmates. A lot of it was happening on social media apps where we could track who was doing the harassing. But one day, anonymous text messages started flooding in from a number we didn’t recognize. We were able to find out who owned that number thanks to Scannero.”

Barton R.

“Originally bought Scannero for the phone locator, but I’m finding that I’m using reverse phone number and reverse email lookup even more. Even if you only need one feature, Scannero does what it promises really well.”

Other Scannero Features

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Reverse username lookup

Run a background check on anyone you’ve met online. Enter their nickname to uncover any other online accounts linked to it, including those on social media platforms and dating apps.
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Location by

Locating someone has never been easier. Generate a link in your account and share it via any messenger, SMS, or email. When they click on the link, you'll see their exact location.
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Location by

Easily locate someone while keeping your identity under wraps. Send an anonymous message to their number with a location-sharing link. Once they tap on it, you can see their whereabouts.
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Send message
to lost phone

Can’t find your lost phone using the built-in locating features? Try sending a message to your number via Scannero to prompt anyone who finds your phone to return it to you.
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Email & Phone Leak checker

Ensure the privacy of your data. Scannero checks several databases for your personal information and lets you know if your phone number or email is leaked online.
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Send voice

When you have personal information to share, trust us to keep your name confidential. Simply write down your thoughts, and Scannero will turn them into an anonymous voice message.

All you need to know

How does Reverse Phone Number Lookup work?

Just enter the number you’re curious about and let Scannero do the heavy lifting. It’ll search various databases and let you know if it finds anything. While some searches will lead to immediate results, it could take a bit of time for more complex searches. Once you try the phone number lookup reverse tool, you’ll see how powerful it really is.

Will they know I’m looking up their number?

No. We take your privacy very seriously. That means when you use the Scannero reverse number lookup service, we won’t reveal that you’re behind the search. We keep your data private, and your information locked down.

Does a Reverse Phone Number Locator help me locate a phone?

If you opt for a reverse cell phone number lookup service like Scannero, then the answer is yes. Scannero includes a whole suite of tools, one of which lets you find the location of any phone simply by typing in the phone number. It’s as easy to use as the phone number reverse lookup feature. Simply type in the number of the phone you want to locate, along with a custom message. When the person on the other end taps the link in your message, Scannero will send you their location.

What does it cost?

Reverse phone number lookup tools don’t have to cost a lot. And if you opt for Scannero, you won’t pay a lot. We’ve priced our reverse phone number search tool competitively, so you can search for as many numbers as you like without breaking the bank.

Why should I use a Reverse Phone Number Lookup tool?

There are lots of reasons why a phone number lookup reverse tool might come in handy. Maybe you’re receiving unfamiliar texts. Maybe someone is calling you and hanging up. And maybe it’s happening repeatedly. If you want to know the person behind all those annoying calls and texts, Scannero’s telephone number reverse lookup tool can help.

How many numbers can I look up?

With Scannero, you can look up as many numbers as you like with your subscription. There’s no limit whatsoever, so go nuts.

Can I try a Reverse Phone Number Lookup tool for free?

While there’s no free trial of Scannero, there is a low-cost option that lets you use the reverse lookup phone number tool for just a handful of pocket change. It’s a great way to take Scannero for a spin to see if it’s right for you. And when you choose the trial or pay for the full version, you’ll have access to the tool that lets you reverse lookup by phone number, plus the other tools that make Scannero so popular.

Can I use a free app to look up a phone number?

If you come across a reverse cell phone number lookup app that promises to offer you to find out the people behind phone numbers for free, there’s a good chance you’re being taken for a ride. Beware of free reverse lookup phone number tools. Chances are, they aren’t designed with discretion in mind. That means they likely aren’t keeping your personal information safe, so you never know what might happen with your private details.

Does Scannero reveal the details of every number?

Scannero’s phone number reverse lookup tool is very advanced. Once you search for a number, it gets to work, searching all kinds of databases and social networks — even hidden ones that you didn’t know existed. If it finds any relevant information, it’ll reveal it to you. However, not every search will yield a result right away, so keep that in mind.