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  1. Media imperialism - Wikipedia

    Media imperialism (sometimes referred to as cultural imperialism) is an area in the international political economy of communications research tradition that focuses on how "all Empires, in territorial or nonterritorial forms, rely upon communications technologies and mass media industries to expand and shore up their economic, geopolitical, and cultural influence."

  2. Indigenous media - Wikipedia

    Indigenous media is the use of modern media techniques by indigenous peoples, also called Fourth World peoples. Indigenous media helps communities in their fight against cultural extinction, economic and ecological decline, and forced displacement. [1] Most often in the field of indigenous media, the creators of the media are also the consumers ...

  3. Comparing Media Systems - Wikipedia

    The field of comparative media system research has a long tradition reaching back to the study Four Theories of the Press by Siebert, Peterson and Schramm from 1956. This book was the origin of the academic debate on comparing and classifying media systems, [2] whereas it was normatively biased [3] and strongly influenced by the ideologies of the Cold War era. [4]

  4. Media ecology - Wikipedia

    Media ecology. Media ecology theory is the study of media, technology, and communication and how they affect human environments. [1] The theoretical concepts were proposed by Marshall McLuhan in 1964, [2] while the term media ecology was first formally introduced by Neil Postman in 1968. [3]

  5. Mass media in Taiwan - Wikipedia

    While Taiwan's media freedom may rank among the top few nations in Asia today, its progress to its current state of vibrancy was not without a struggle. [1] The Japanese occupation of Taiwan from 1895 to 1945 did not slow down the pace of economic modernisation on the island; the Kuomintang (KMT, Nationalist Party) also built on the successes of its predecessors to modernize and this provided ...

  6. Influence of mass media - Wikipedia

    The influences of mass media (or 'media effects') are observed in various aspects of human life, from voting behaviors [2] to perceptions of violence, [3][4] from evaluations of scientists [5] to our understanding of others' opinions. [6] The overall influence of mass media has changed drastically over the years, and will continue to do so as ...

  7. Information and media literacy - Wikipedia

    Information and media literacy. Information and media literacy (IML) enables people to show and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages. [1] IML is a combination of information literacy and media literacy. [2]

  8. Media development - Wikipedia

    Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF), formerly Media Development Loan Fund, is a New York-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and mission-driven investment fund that provides low-cost financing to independent news outlets in countries with a history of media oppression. Through low-cost capital (mainly loans), business training and ...