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  2. India’s first university to implement SAP in all its school & Processes at a time. Click here to Login.

  3. Get Your User & Password Open KIIT SAP portal login page : Login After opening the Web Page provide your “Roll No” as username & “” as password where is your date of birth.

  4. Know your Mentor in KIIT SAP Portal

    Step 1: Click on Student Self Service, Step 2: Click on My Profile, Step 3: Click on Mentor Details, Step 4: Find your mentor.

  5. For Students. New User in SAP, Click here to know your user name and password. Those who have already username and password in SAP, they can start from Step-1.

  6. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - KIIT

    Student Login ...

  7. This Module team is looking after all the online payment transactions through the student’s SAP portal as well as payment options provided on KIIT websites and KIITEE websites through different payment gateways like HDFC – KIIT / KIMS (CCAvenue), PAYTM, BILLDESK, etc.

  8. Our innovative courses are tailored to empower students with the skills needed for today’s evolving job market, blending rigorous academics with real-world applications. Start your journey at KIIT and become industry-ready with education that makes a difference.

  9. Student Achievements Archives - KIIT Deemed to be University

    Jignyasha Ipsita Pattanaik, a student of Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), has achieved the coveted distinction of topping the Final M.B.B.S. Examination of Utkal University.

  10. KIIT - Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - A Premier UGC, AICTE, NAAC accredited institution. Excellence in education and innovation

  11. KIIT Annual Convocation 2024 - KIIT Deemed to be University

    Do online registration through link: by paying Rs. 1000/= (one thousand only) towards registration and Alumni Life Membership fee from 21st August, 2024 to 02nd September, 2024. Registration is mandatory to participate in the convocation.