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  2. School District Income Tax - Ohio Department of Natural Resources

    Ohio school districts may enact a school district income tax with voter approval. As of January 2024, 212 school districts impose an income tax. The Ohio Department of Taxation (ODT) collects and administers the tax on behalf of the school districts.

  3. Individual and School District Income Tax Instructions

    Below are the in statute Individual and School District Income tax instructional booklets, by year. 2023. 2022. 2021. 2020. Prior Years

  4. School District Taxes -

    In Ohio, school districts may levy a school district income tax subject to voter approval. The Ohio Department of Taxation collects and administers the tax on behalf of the districts. Learn more about school district taxes, find your school district number, file your return, and more.

  5. The Finder - School District Income Tax - Ohio

    This site provides Ohio public school district income tax information for all addresses in the State of Ohio. Choose one of the following options: Lookup Tax Rate

  6. Guide to Ohio’s School District Income Tax - Cloudinary

    what is a school district income tax (sdit)? The SDIT is an income tax separate from federal, state, and municipal income taxes that is earmarked specifically to support school districts.

  7. Income - School District Tax - Ohio Department of Natural...

    The school district income tax generates revenue to support school districts who levy the tax. Ohio school districts may enact a school district income tax with voter approval. A school district income tax is in addition to any federal, state, and city income or property taxes.

  8. 2025 Ohio Employer and School District Withholding Tax Filing...

    If the combined and school district Ohio income tax withheld by an employer during a pay period reaches $100,000 or more, payment of the Ohio income tax portion of this withheld amount (excluding school district income taxes) is due by the first banking day after the date the employer

  9. Individual Income Tax. Headquarters for more information about the Ohio individual and school district income tax

  10. Employer Withholding - School District - Ohio Department of...

    Until you confirm that your employer is withholding school district tax, you may chose to make an estimated payment of school district income tax using form SD 100ES. This form is available on our website at Tax Forms or by calling our toll-free forms request line at 1-800-282-1782.

  11. Ohio I-File School Districts -

    If you live in one of these school districts, you are required to file a School District Income Tax Return, Form SD-100. If you do not know the public school district in which you live, please call your county board of elections, if you are a registered voter, or your county auditor.