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  2. The Finder - Lookup By Address List - School District - Ohio

    Lookup By Address Please select the appropriate tax district to view the results. If you feel there is an error or have questions regarding the information you have received, please verify your district with your County Auditor or contact the Department of Taxation.

  3. School District Income Tax - Ohio Department of Natural Resources

    What's my School District Number? (The Finder) — Look up your address to determine if you live in a taxing school district as well as the tax rate, tax type and four-digit school district number. School District Income Tax Forms — This page contains the school district income tax return (SD 100) as well as support forms for the return.

  4. School District Number School District Name (Counties) Decimal... sd by...

    2020 Ohio Taxing School Districts School District Number School District Name (Counties) Decimal Rate 0203 Bluffton EVSD (Allen, Hancock) 0.0050 0.50% 0209 Spencerville LSD (Allen, Auglaize, Van Wert) 0.0100 1.00% 0302 Hillsdale LSD (Ashland) 0.0125 1.25% 0303 Loudonville-Perrysville EVSD (Ashland, Holmes, Knox, Richland) 0.0125 1.25%

  5. The Finder - School District Income Tax - Ohio

    This site provides Ohio public school district income tax information for all addresses in the State of Ohio. Choose one of the following options: Upload Databases - Registered and logged in users may get the appropriate school district income tax rates applied through this secure application.

  6. The Finder - Lookup By Address - Ohio

    The Finder > School District Income Tax > Lookup By Address ESSPRODWEB04. Lookup By Address : Address: Date: Date cannot be after 12/31/2025. Suite, Apt, Lot: ...

  7. The Finder - Ohio Public School District Tax Features

    The respective school district numbers assigned by the Department of Taxation and by the Ohio Department of Education. The Finder is a public resource that allows you to search by address, GPS coordinates, or zip code to locate school district information.

  8. Ohio Department of Education and Workforce

    Searches return all organizations that match your search term in any part of the organization’s name, city or county of its address, or its IRN. For example, searching for "colu" will show all schools and districts with “Columbus” in their name, all schools and districts in Columbiana county, etc.

  9. Ohio I-File School Districts -

    Below is a list of the identification numbers of all public school districts in Ohio. Enter the number of the school district where you lived for the majority of 2002. Each district is listed under the county in which its largest part is located.

  10. School District Taxes -

    In Ohio, school districts may levy a school district income tax subject to voter approval. The Ohio Department of Taxation collects and administers the tax on behalf of the districts. Learn more about school district taxes, find your school district number, file your return, and more.

  11. The Finder - Lookup By Zip Code - Ohio

    The Finder > School District Income Tax > Lookup By Zip Code ESSPRODWEB04 : Lookup By Zip Code Zip Code: Date: Date cannot be after 12/31/2025. Plus 4: ...