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  2. @Subrat: for sure a timer of 15 minutes will work whenever. Anyway I think that using Boost::Timer is the right way to follow for most cases; if you have some very special needs for some exotic systems, you should re-implement your timer routines only for such systems (using macro conditions: #ifdef) using system-specific calls that give you what you need.

  3. c# - Creating Scheduled Tasks - Stack Overflow

    You can use Task Scheduler Managed Wrapper:. using System; using Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Get the service on the local machine using (TaskService ts = new TaskService()) { // Create a new task definition and assign properties TaskDefinition td = ts.NewTask(); td.RegistrationInfo.Description = "Does something"; // Create a trigger that ...

  4. schedule(dynamic, 1) provides optimal load balancing; dynamic, k will always have same or better load balancing than guided, k; The standard mandates that the size of each chunk is proportional to the number of unassigned iterations divided by the number of threads in the team, decreasing to k.

  5. Schedule controls how loop iterations are divided among threads. Choosing the right schedule can have great impact on the speed of the application. static schedule means that iterations blocks are mapped statically to the execution threads in a round-robin fashion. The nice thing with static scheduling is that OpenMP run-time guarantees that if ...

  6. If it is a windows application, just go to the bin folder, get the executable file, and finally schedule a task for it by using windows schedule task and choose the exe file as you targeted application. if it is web application, you may want to include your code in a scheduled job, details are on website.

  7. c - Make a weekly class schedule - Stack Overflow

    The print_schedule function must print the schedule chronologically, not in the order in which the hours are arranged. The add_class function should add the hour to the chronologically first available term. Eg if a class lasting 120 minutes is required and no other class is scheduled for Monday between 8:00 and 10:00, then the class should be ...

  8. c - Linux kernel: schedule() function - Stack Overflow

    The point is: when noone really has anything to do, everybody will block in some syscall, eventually tagging its own thread "I've got nothing to do" and calling schedule(). And, when the scheduler finds out "oh, noone wants to do anything!" it knows that it can go for a nap. Enter a C-state for instance, by calling the hlt or mwait instruction ...

  9. c# - .Net Core 6 Create Scheduling Task - Stack Overflow

    For a single task with a simple schedule (like in the question) where the app can schedule it at startup, the timer solution adds two function to the entire project and is easy to test. Of course I 100% agree that for more complex scheduling scenarios, a library like Quartz is much better.

  10. I wouldn't use Thread.Sleep(). Either use a scheduled task (as others have mentioned), or set up a timer inside your service, which fires periodically (every 10 minutes for example) and check if the date changed since the last run:

  11. Thanks for the reply. I tried to set this task manually through command line first, and after running the cmd as administrator, I was able to create this task schtasks /create /tn "MyApp" /tr c:\app.exe /sc on start with the message Successfully created the task. Apparently, my app requires admin privileges to run and when I restarted the ...