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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. At Solon City Schools, we believe in empowering every student, every day, to achieve personal excellence. As one of Ohio's and the nation's top-rated public school districts, we offer a rigorous and comprehensive academic experience, complemented by extensive opportunities in arts, activities and athletics.

  3. Solon Community School District 301 South Iowa Street Solon, Iowa 52333 Phone: 319-624-3401 Fax: 319-624-2518 Stay Connected Mission Statement: Engage each and every student in rigorous and relevant learning experiences, maximizing achievement through exceptional teaching .

  4. Schools - Solon City School District

    Our Mission - Solon City Schools, a diverse learning community, will ensure all students attain the knowledge and skills to thrive and become empathetic, ethical, contributing citizens in an evolving global society through collaboration and unwavering commitment to empower every student, every day, to achieve personal excellence.

  5. Strategic Plan Update - Solon City School District

    Strategic Plan Update. The Solon City Schools shared comprehensive updates on the district's Strategic Plan during two Board of Education work sessions on October 9 and October 21, 2024. These detailed presentations showcased our ongoing work and achievements in four critical areas that serve as pillars of our Strategic Plan: Finance - focusing ...

  6. Solon Community School District

    Please visit the Events page for a comprehensive and updated list of all activities and athletic events in the Solon Community School District. For more information, contact the coach, the program director, or the Activities Director:

  7. CALENDARS | Solon Community School District

    The Solon Community School District provides a yearly one-page calendar for your convenience. This calendar includes the beginning and ending dates for the school year, early dismissals, vacation breaks, staff professional development dates, conferences, and other important information.

  8. A new high school in Solon? School board considers renovating or...

    Acomb said the district commissioned two studies and worked with architects from Sol Harris/Day Architecture of North Canton. He said the estimated cost of a basic plan for renovation of Solon ...

  9. Home - Solon High School

    At Solon City Schools, we believe in empowering every student, every day, to achieve personal excellence. As one of Ohio's and the nation's top-rated public school districts, we offer a rigorous and comprehensive academic experience, complemented by extensive opportunities in arts, activities and athletics.

  10. Our District - Solon City School District

    As one of Ohio's and the nation's top-rated public school districts, we offer a rigorous and comprehensive academic experience, complemented by extensive opportunities in arts, activities and athletics.

  11. Solon schools present district’s strategic plan update

    The Solon City Schools shared updates on the districts strategic plan during two Board of Education work sessions on Oct. 9 and Oct. 21 to showcase its ongoing work and achievements.