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  2. SSS Building East Avenue, Diliman Quezon City, Philippines 02-1455 or 8-1455

  3. Republic of the Philippines Social Security System

    An online portal for employers in the Philippines to manage their Social Security System obligations and access related services.

  4. My.SSS Portal - Republic of the Philippines Social Security...

    Log in to My.SSS Portal to access your employer account, submit reports, pay contributions, and more. Register now if you don't have an account.

  5. My.SSS Portal - Republic of the Philippines Social Security...

    sss citizen's charter The Citizen's Charter is an official document that reflects the services of a government agency/office including its requirements, fees, and processing times among others. Read it here

  6. My.SSS Portal - Republic of the Philippines Social Security...

    JavaScript is required. Please enable JavaScript. My.SSS Portal

  7. Republic of the Philippines Social Security System

    A portal for employers to access and manage their SSS accounts online. Find out how to register, log in, and troubleshoot errors.

  8. My.SSS | Employer Portal

    Enter your Employer/Household Helper ID. We will send a link to your registered email to reset your password.

  9. Coverage & Collection Partner. Register Now. If you already have an account, please click.

  10. My.SSS Portal - Republic of the Philippines Social Security...

    Alkansssya Program Partner. Contribution Subsidy Provider. Local Government Unit (LGU)/National Government Agency (NGA)/Government Owned and Controlled Corporation (GOCC)/State University and College (SUC), and Local Water District (LWD) Professional Association/Group. Create Account.

  11. My.SSS Error Page

    My.SSS Portal provides access to the Social Security System services for employers in the Philippines.